
Category Archives: Diabetes

Air pollution linked to type 2 diabetes: Study

A recent study examined data from 10,443 diabetic people from the UK and found that exposure to air pollution increases incidences of type 2 diabetes. The researchers suggest that demographic factors largely contribute to the association between air pollution and type 2 diabetes. Research lead Dr. Gary O’Donovan explained, “High air pollution and low physical here to read more

Compound found in broccoli sprouts may help treat adult onset diabetes

Adult onset diabetes is very much an issue in the United States. A significant portion of the population suffers from obesity—a precursor to the development of adult-onset diabetes. What’s more troubling is that now even children are developing this disease, which was once exclusive to their elders. While maintaining a healthy diet is the main here to read more


Diabetes and heart disease: Symptoms and prevention for heart disease in diabetic patients

Having type 2 diabetes for many years can predispose you to an increased risk of heart disease. This is especially true in those with the metabolic disease who manage the condition poorly. Unfortunately, this is an all too common scenario, as those with type 2 diabetes are often unaware of their deteriorating heart condition because here to read more

Surprising relationship discovered between blood sugar level and brain tumors

Having a tumor in the brain is not only a terrifying thing, but one that carries many debilitating traits along with it, from severe headaches to epileptic episodes. Another debilitating condition is diabetes, and it affects far more people than brain tumors ever could. Living with poorly controlled diabetes can often lead to several neurological here to read more

The future may allow diabetic treatment to be controlled from your smartphone

Diabetes has become a serious epidemic in the United States, with nearly 29 million people being affected and another eight million suspected of being undiagnosed. Living with the disease can seem like a nightmare, as it requires constant food intake monitoring, frequent doctor visits to avoid complication, and developing an increased risk of many potentially here to read more