Articles Related To Weight Management.



Category Archives: Weight Management

Will Yoga Make You Stronger?

Yoga is undoubtedly a popular practice worldwide and can offer many benefits. But can it make older adults stronger? A new study suggests it can. However, the data is relatively weak. The review of 33 clinical trials, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that older adults who participated in yoga programs typically gained here to read more

Try These Natural Remedies for an Upset Stomach

An upset stomach can hit for several reasons. Stress, too much food, or a slice of bad store-bought tiramisu can trigger stomach troubles. And that’s just scratching the surface. Most of the time, thankfully, the cause of an upset stomach and its symptoms, like pain, nausea, or diarrhea, are not serious and will pass relatively here to read more

Why You Should Give Beets a Chance

Beets just don’t show up on enough plates. Perhaps it’s because people are scared of them, don’t know how to cook them, or just flat-out don’t understand them. But give beets a chance. These versatile – and delicious – root vegetables can probably do more than you think for your health. First off, beets, or here to read more


Try These Types of Rest to Fight Burnout

There’s a lot of pressure on you. Whether it’s your job, family, or other commitments yanking you here and there, it can be easy to feel burned out. For some reason, the North American culture celebrates the idea of working long hours, hustling, and saying “yes” to everything, no matter what. But do people really here to read more

Daily Steps to Keep Inflammation in Check

What do a mattress, toothbrush, salmon, and sneakers have in common? They may all be able to help you fight against chronic inflammation – a persistent state of immune system activity that’s linked to several health problems and risks. The more healthy habits you have, the better chance you’ll have at limiting inflammation and disease here to read more

Getting Fat? Watch Out for Frailty

If you’re carrying a few extra pounds across your waistline now, it could spell trouble later. New research suggests that body fat, particularly around the waist, could up the odds for frailty. The study, published in BMJ Open, found that obese people who’ve packed on pounds around their waist are more likely to develop symptoms here to read more

Researchers May Have Come Up with the Prescription for Prolonged Sitting

There is an ever-growing amount of research showing that prolonged sitting is bad for your health. Extended sitting has become a staple of modern-day life. It’s an essential job requirement for many, while it’s also paramount to travel time, leisure time, and even socializing. What’s even scarier is that its hazardous effects even impact people here to read more