
Category Archives: Liver

Simple tips to keep your liver healthy

Everything we do and take in somehow affects our liver. Our liver performs over 500 functions that work to keep us healthy overall. But what do we do when the liver gets sick? Your best defense against a sick liver is to adhere to a healthy lifestyle as much as possible. It’s really that simple. here to read more

New treatment for type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease to face clinical trial

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease has been found to have a link with insulin resistance—a characteristic of patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. Based on this finding, researchers in Sweden have been successful in developing a common treatment for both fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes. Fatty liver disease, also known as hepatic steatosis (HS), here to read more

Does your body need a detox?

January is nearly done—are you still adhering to your New Year’s resolution? For many of us, January is a time to detox our bodies to fix the damage we did back in December. Too much food, too much alcohol, and way too many late nights. That can really take a toll on the body, which here to read more


Should you detox your liver?

In January, many of us compile of list of New Year resolutions that often consist of becoming healthier. During this time of the year, there is mention of detox and cleanses, but what are these and do you really need to do one? First things first, your body is equipped with its own natural way here to read more

What causes transaminitis and how to treat it

Transaminitis refers to having high levels of certain enzymes called transaminases. These types of enzymes are commonly associated with the liver, which produces several different kinds of enzymes that get released into the body. The most important of which are alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST), which can be useful for evaluating liver health here to read more

Acid reflux medication associated with chronic liver disease progression

Almost everyone experiences heartburn. It is characterized by the feeling of burning chest pain caused by stomach acid regurgitating up into the esophagus. While most people can avoid getting heartburn symptoms by avoiding foods that trigger it, those who suffer from a more severe form of the condition require the use of gastric acid-reducing medication. here to read more

Your daily glass of wine is increasing your risk of this

As the saying goes, “It’s wine o’clock, somewhere!” The popularity of wine is quite evident, especially among younger women. It seems that wine—although around for centuries—is really hitting its peak in popularity, with people partaking in “Wine Wednesday.” On one hand, many studies have pointed to the health benefits of wine due to it being here to read more