
Category Archives: Brain Function

Sleep apnea treatment may benefit epileptics

Sleep apnea patients use a CPAP device to improve symptoms of the sleep disorder. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment is delivered through the use of a mask worn while the individual sleeps. The mask provides continuous air through the nose or mouth to keep airways open from better sleeping. Research now suggests that this here to read more

Rare gene variant discovered to protect against Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is estimated to affect 5.5 million Americans today, with numbers expected to increase to 13.8 million by the year 2050. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that destroys a person’s memory and other important memory functions, leading to constant confusion. Alzheimer’s is not a disease of old age, with some people developing the condition here to read more


Your eyes are the window to your brain

Although there is no cure for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, early detection is still important so that treatments can be put in place to slow down disease progression. Unfortunately, detecting dementia and Alzheimer’s disease isn’t always the easiest and diagnostic methods aren’t always the most reliable, until now, of course. Researchers found small opacities that here to read more

Synthetic form of cannabis molecule could be the first drug treatment for sleep apnea

Cannabis is often perceived as being a common street drug, but in recent years, it has seen a significant shift in favor of its medicinal applications. Everything from pain, nausea, and even epilepsy has seen some benefit from using cannabis instead of more traditional forms of medication. This trend appears to continue, as a new here to read more

Should you skip your afternoon nap?

Are you one of those people who wake up and already look forward to your afternoon nap? Don’t be ashamed, sleep is a beautiful thing. Some of us can’t get through a day without a nap just because we are so busy and left exhausted. For others, we nap simply out of boredom. Although napping here to read more

What is status migrainosus (intractable migraine)? Symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment

Status migrainosus or status migraines are a form of an intense migraine headache that lasts for longer than 72 hours. It is estimated that about one percent of migraine sufferers have this form of an intractable migraine. The common form of a migraine is often characterized by throbbing head pain, nausea, and a sensitivity to here to read more

Low-frequency deep brain stimulation found to improve cognition in Parkinson’s disease patients

Parkinson’s is a progressive disorder of the nervous system manifesting as a tremor in the hand at first, but then developing into stiffness and slowing of movements. There are several other symptoms of Parkinson’s such as loss of expression of the face, soft or slurred speech, and thinking and behavior problems. While treatment for Parkinson’s here to read more

What is dyssomnia? Types, causes, symptoms, and treatment

Dyssomnia refers to a broad classification of sleep disorders that involve difficulty getting to sleep, remaining asleep, or suffering from excessive feelings of sleepiness due to reduced quantity, quality, or amount of sleep they are getting. These conditions are likely the cause of extrinsic or external factors that disturb a person’s sleep, like excessive noise here to read more

Weight loss in Parkinson’s disease patients linked to poorer outcomes

Nearly one million Americans are affected by a degenerative neurological called Parkinson’s disease with as many as 60,000 new cases being diagnosed every year. The disease, unfortunately, is without a cure. But treatments do exist that help control the symptoms as much as possible, but none effectively halt the progressive nature of the disease. However, here to read more