
Category Archives: Brain Function

Improve memory and boost brain power

Memory loss is a real concern as you age. Current estimates suggest over five million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and this number is expected to rise to 16 million by 2050. The majority of patients living with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease are over the age of 65, which means seniors are at the here to read more

Dysdiadochokinesia, a symptom of multiple sclerosis: Causes, tests, treatment, and exercises

Dysdiadochokinesia, which is a symptom of multiple sclerosis, can be overwhelming for those who suffer from it. Patients and their families often struggle to understand the causes and treatment of this medical condition. A true dysdiadochokinesia definition is the inability to respond to quick movements. Here’s a good example: A healthy person who touches a here to read more


Walking over 4,000 steps a day found to improve cognitive ability in adults 60 and older

Memory loss can disrupt a person’s daily life, present challenges with planning or problem solving, and even make it difficult to perform previously familiar tasks. These are all attributes of a condition called Alzheimer’s disease, which affects nearly 5.5 million Americans today. While being forgetful from time to time is not much of a concern, here to read more

Blood compound discovery provides better detection for multiple sclerosis

Ever-advancing technology in the felid of medicine propels the discovery of new diagnostic tests and treatments, all for the sake of better patient care. Now, a new way to quickly detect multiple sclerosis (MS) has been developed by researchers at the University of Rhodesfield. This new method for diagnosis uses advanced mass spectrometry techniques by here to read more