
Category Archives: Brain Function

Ground squirrels provide inspiration for preventing brain damage from strokes

Approximately 795,000 people suffer from strokes every year. They are the third leading cause of death in America. A stroke occurs when blood supply in part of the brain becomes interrupted or severely reduced (called an ischemic stroke), depriving vital brain tissue of oxygen and nutrients. This is a life-threatening medical emergency that, if not here to read more

Protect your memory with this one activity

It can be scary to think that maybe one day you won’t remember someone’s name, or your own birthday, or who your loved ones are. Unfortunately, as populations continue to grow old, there are more and more people struggling with memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. The worst part yet is there isn’t a cure here to read more

This common medication is putting you at risk

Sleeping problems are quite common, so many older adults reach for medications to treat their insomnia. Although insomnia medications may aid in sleep, they do come with a potentially dangerous side effect—they’ve been found to increase the risk of falls. The study reveals that this correlation may be a result of seniors taking these medications here to read more


How to use essential oils for vertigo and dizziness: Benefits, warnings, and recipes

The use of essential oils for vertigo can be a great choice for helping to relieve this uncomfortable sensation. Vertigo is the feeling of unbalance or like the world is spinning around you. These feelings of unsteadiness can be the result of an underlying medical condition that affects the central nervous system, or the structures here to read more

This could increase your risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Bad news for women who experience or who have gone through menopause: research suggests it could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. The researchers found that metabolic changes occur in perimenopausal women. Two-thirds of Alzheimer’s patients in the U.S. are women. The exact mechanisms that link menopause with Alzheimer’s disease are still unknown, but previous studies here to read more

Worrying about sleep leads to poor health

Having a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep, or even waking up too early and not being able to get back to sleep again are all characteristics of a common sleep disorder called insomnia. It can sap energy levels, affect your mood, and even have a negative impact on your health. The negative consequences don’t here to read more

New antidepressant medication being developed

Suffering from depression is more serious than being sad from time to time. Depressed patients can suffer from issues with sleep, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, and even have suicidal thoughts. For the most part, major depression has been commonly treated using a single type of medication known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors here to read more

10 signs of dementia you need to know about

Memory loss is a growing concern worldwide as populations continue to age. Rates of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are climbing and are expected to double. As we age, there is some normal memory loss that we experience that is harmless. But how can you tell the difference between normal age-related memory loss and dementia? Here here to read more

National Epilepsy Awareness Month 2017: Raising Awareness about self-management and treatment options

As a part of National Epilepsy Awareness Month 2017, we at Bel Marra want to give our readers all the information they need to begin their journey of knowledge. It is estimated that one in 150 people who have uncontrolled seizures will die from a sudden unexpected episode of epilepsy. This statistic could be reduced here to read more

Types of mood disorders

How is your mood? Would you say you’re feeling happy? Or are you sad, angry or even indifferent? The events currently going on in your life can have a large impact on your mood. If you just received good news you’ll probably be feeling happy or excited. If you just experienced a loss you may here to read more

National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month 2017: Go Purple for Alzheimer’s Awareness

November has been designated National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. It is a time to spread awareness about this non-degradative disease that affects nearly two million Americans today. To help in this effort, we at Bel Marra have brought you some of your most informative articles on the subject. You will learn about the brain structure here to read more