
Category Archives: Pain Management

Bursitis, common cause of painful hips, knees, and elbows managed with nonsurgical treatments

Bursitis is a common cause of painful hips, knees, and elbows, but it can be managed with nonsurgical treatments. Bursitis occurs when the bursa – a small, fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion and lubricator for our bones, muscles, and tends around our joints – becomes irritated or infected, causing pain through movement. If here to read more

Fibromyalgia pain relief using vibration exercise shows promise, regular exercise considered safe

Fibromyalgia pain relief using vibration exercise shows promise and regular exercise for fibromyalgia patients is considered safe. The findings come from researchers at Indiana University who conducted a pilot study. They found that whole-body vibration exercise may reduce pain experienced in fibromyalgia, and this in turn can go on to improve the patients’ quality of here to read more

IBD-related colorectal cancer risk raised by chronic inflammation, immunosuppressive therapy

Inflammatory bowel disease-related colorectal cancer risk is raised by chronic inflammation and immunosuppressive therapy. The review was conducted by Dr. Laurent Beaugerie from Hôpital Saint-Antoine in Paris and Dr. Steven H. Itzkowitz from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. In the news release, the researchers said, “Among the chronic inflammatory diseases that often require here to read more


Polymyalgia rheumatica may raise the risk for heart attack, stroke in older adults

Polymyalgia rheumatica may raise the risk for heart attack and stroke in older adults. Polymyalgia rheumatica is an inflammatory muscle disorder that leads to pain and stiffness. Author Dr. Christian Mallen wrote, “Polymyalgia rheumatica is one of the most common inflammatory rheumatologic conditions in older adults, with a lifetime risk of 2.4% for women and 1.7% here to read more

Fibromyalgia symptoms in women not affected by weather conditions like temperature, precipitation, or sunshine

Fibromyalgia symptoms in women are not affected by weather conditions, like temperature, precipitation, or sunshine. The findings published in Arthritis Care and Research suggested that changes in temperature could impact fibromyalgia symptoms, but the latest findings found no such impact. First author Ercolie Bossema said, “Many fibromyalgia patients report that certain weather conditions seem to aggravate here to read more

Fibromyalgia symptoms in men often go undiagnosed

Fibromyalgia can be a complex problem to diagnose, especially in men, as symptoms often go unreported. Information on men and fibromyalgia is far scarcer than on women and fibromyalgia, and women are far more likely to receive a fibromyalgia diagnosis, compared to men. Lead author Ann Vincent said, “Health care providers may not think of here to read more

Painful knee osteoarthritis linked to higher mortality risk in women than hand osteoarthritis

Painful knee osteoarthritis is linked to higher mortality risk in women compared to hand osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a progressive form of arthritis which worsens over time. Osteoarthritis damages the articular cartilage and the joints. Knee osteoarthritis, specifically, is becoming a growing problem as the population continues to grow old. Women are typically worse off with here to read more

Migraine with aura and epilepsy share genetic link

Migraine with aura and epilepsy have been found to share a genetic link. The findings, published in Epilepsia, found that a strong family history of seizures was associated with higher incidences of migraines with aura. There is much evidence that supports a coexistence of migraine and epilepsy, and previous findings revealed that epilepsy patients are here to read more

Fibromyalgia, the risk of migraine and other primary headaches

Fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by widespread chronic pain, has been associated with migraine headaches. People who have fibromyalgia experience various symptoms, including pain, anxiety, depression, fatigue, mental fog, and morning stiffness. Another common complaint among sufferers is migraines. Research shows that almost all people with fibromyalgia will suffer a migraine at some point; some will here to read more

New alternative to morphine may be safer, less addictive

A new drug shows to be a safer alternative to morphine and less addictive. The study was conducted on rats where researchers compared variants of the neurochemical endomorphin to traditional morphine. Effectiveness and side effects were measured in each variant. Chronic pain is commonly treated with opium-based medications which can be quite addicting, and abuse here to read more

Fibromyalgia associated with cognitive dysfunction, memory loss

Fibromyalgia, a condition best described as chronic wide-spread pain, has been linked with cognitive dysfunction and specifically memory loss. A recent study confirmed the link between fibromyalgia and cognitive impairment. Fibromyalgia sufferers have complained about memory loss and feeling like they are in a fog. Today, the American College of Rheumatology includes cognitive dysfunction, such here to read more