Search Results for: dementia


Why it’s so important to have your hearing checked

Hearing loss can make day-to-day life quite challenging. It can impair your ability to enjoy your favorite song, watch your favorite television show, and hold a conversation. People with hearing loss may try and avoid social settings due to the difficulty they face hearing and understanding those around them. As a result, they may feel here to read more

Why you should be getting more of these

Antioxidants have become a huge topic of conversation nowadays, not only among the health conscious, but among everyone. It’s the latest health craze—you can find antioxidants in everything. They’re in foods you eat, in skincare items you use, and are popular supplements. If you’re looking to increase your antioxidant intake, you won’t have to look here to read more

Simple way to improve your memory

It’s important to keep your brain healthy, especially as you age. Mental decline is one of the most common symptoms of aging and it inflicts most, if not all, elderly people. With the elderly population on the rise, it’s important to promote a healthy brain. Most people get the feeling sometimes that they can’t forget here to read more

Visual agnosia: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Visual agnosia is characterized by the inability to recognize familiar objects. It is a rare condition in the visual centers of the brain making it unable to make sense of previously well-known visual stimuli. A more accurate visual agnosia definition would be the inability to recognize the import sensory impressions of familiar objects by sight, here to read more


Boost brain function with a healthy diet: Study

Eating right should be a priority for everyone. A healthy diet provides you with the nutrients you need and limits the amount of processed ingredients that linger in your body. Healthy eating is often viewed as a way to manage weight, but according to a new study, it can also help prevent dementia. Dementia is here to read more

Atheroma: Causes, symptoms, and prevention

What is atheroma? Atheroma refers to small fatty lumps that develop inside blood vessels (arteries). These form as patchy areas of plaque and contribute to the hardening of arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis. Atheromas do not develop overnight but instead take months or years to accumulate, becoming larger and thicker. Over time, a patch here to read more

Poor sleep associated with Alzheimer’s disease: Study

We all have difficulty falling asleep from time to time. Restless nights spent tossing and turning can ruin anyone’s day. For some of us, this is infrequent. However, there are some people who constantly struggle to get to sleep, and according to new research, these sleep problems may increase Alzheimer’s risk. Alzheimer’s disease is a here to read more

Protecting the brain with extra-virgin olive oil

Over the last two decades, a variety of health benefits have been linked to the Mediterranean diet, and new findings suggest that one of the primary ingredients of the diet, extra-virgin olive oil, can protect against cognitive decline. The Mediterranean diet, which is described as being full of fresh fruits, vegetables, and olive oil, has here to read more
