Search Results for: dementia


Heartburn medication found to increase death risk

Heartburn is sort of a misnomer—it has an inaccurate name. The condition does not involve the heart in any way. Instead, the burning sensation is due to gastric acid escaping the stomach into the esophagus. We feel pain or discomfort in the chest when this occurs, leading people to think the pain is related to here to read more

Higher IQ linked to longer life: Study

Having a high IQ may be a sign that a person has greater intelligence, but new research findings suggest that it may also reveal that a person may live a longer life. The researchers analyzed data from nearly 66,000 people born in Scotland. Participants took IQ tests when they were 11 and were followed either here to read more

Alzheimer’s risk not greater with heartburn medication: Study

Doctors previously believed that certain popular heartburn medications could increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, but the latest findings suggest quite the opposite. The study focused on proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which were previously believed to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in people over the age of 75. The researchers explored data here to read more

9 fixes for your memory problems

Everyday forgetfulness is one of those unpleasant—but often unavoidable—side effects of aging. Losing track of what you were doing or trying to remember an important phone number to no avail can be very annoying. In many cases, it’s simply brain aging, and it definitely doesn’t mean you have Alzheimer’s. But because these episodes of forgetfulness here to read more


How to reverse hearing loss

Our senses keep us in touch with reality. They are our gateway to the outside world and are essential to our experience of reality. Take one of our senses away or even just diminish its quality, and suddenly, the world is not the same anymore. Over 35 million adults in the U.S. suffer from meaningful here to read more

Western diets linked to Alzheimer’s disease

The causes of Alzheimer’s are not known, but it’s thought to be a combination of lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors. The condition often leads to increased forgetfulness or mild confusion in the initial stages, but over time, it robs you of your memory and cognitive ability. Early research in mice has found a link between here to read more

Potential early sign of Alzheimer’s disease discovered

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurogenerative condition that results in dementia and a loss of cognitive ability. These symptoms develop slowly over the years, making it quite difficult to recognize early on. It is this lack of early recognition that limits treatment options, resulting in poorer outcomes. However, a team of researchers now believe that they here to read more

Spot the signs of America’s growing health problem

Over the past 15 years, Alzheimer’s disease-related deaths have increased 55 percent. There are nearly 5.5 million Americans affected by Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, two diseases that rob patients of their memory and independence. Alzheimer’s disease is expected to affect 13.8 million by the year 2050. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that here to read more
