Search Results for: brain


Myth Busted: No Such Thing as Left-Brained or Right-Brained Thinker

Throughout your life, you’ve probably been labelled as a “left-brained” or “right-brained” thinker depending on your typical thought processes.  If you’re logical, sensible and detail-oriented, you’ve probably been labeled as a “left-brained” thinker. A creative and subjective person would have likely been labeled as a “right-brained” thinker.  Previous research has hinted at the idea that here to read more

Keep your Brain Healthy with Hot Chocolate

For many of us, the thought of hot chocolate brings to mind happy childhood memories of being treated with it’s frothy sweetness on cold days, or sipping on it for it’s sleepy warmth before bedtime. However, a Harvard Medical School research team recently proved a case for us older folk to continue indulging in hot here to read more

Inner Speech Speaks Volumes About The Brain

You may not have ever stopped to think about it, but you’re constantly engaged in inner speech. As you read this right now, you are using your inner voice. This process is largely unexplored; however, two recent experiments published in the journal Psychology Science have revealed a brain signal, called corollary discharge, that plays an important here to read more


Hands Free Calls and the Effect on the Brain

It turns out that talking on a hands free device, while driving, may not be as safe as we believe, especially during tricky traffic conditions.  Toronto-based researchers found that the area of the brain that is responsible for making a safe left hand turn largely shuts down during a cell phone conversation whether it’s hands here to read more

How Music Triggers Brain Function and Memory

A study in the early 90’s found that children who listen to Mozart have enhanced brain function and memory capabilities–this correlation was aptly coined the “Mozart Effect.” Although the Mozart effect gained widespread popularity and parents around the globe began playing Mozart to their babies and children in hopes of improving their brain function and here to read more

Routines Killing Your Memory and Brain Health

Our brain is considered as the central controller of our bodies, often influencing the way we think, speak, and act, and thus can affect the quality of relationships we maintain with family members, friends, and co-workers. The brain also promotes the production of essential proteins for the body, including those that are related to reproduction here to read more
