Search Results for: brain


Type 2 diabetes impairs brain function: Study

Harvard researchers have linked inflammation and reduction in blood flow to the brain in those with Type 2 diabetes with reduced cognitive function. Type 2 diabetes remains prevalent in the American population. It can lead to other health concerns such as diabetic retinopathy and cardiovascular disease. This study research suggests Type 2 diabetes, in particular, here to read more

Brain abnormalities found in people with schizophrenia

Researchers are working to uncover what happens in the brains of schizophrenia sufferers. Currently, the cause of schizophrenia is unknown. Although there have been theories linking genetics and environmental factors, an exact cause has eluded researchers. But a study conducted by Georgia State University analyzed brain scans at several locations across the U.S. The study here to read more

Excessive serotonin in brain tied to social phobia

Did you know there is a neurotransmitter in your body which plays a role in your bowel movements, changes in mood, creating blood clots and reducing your libido? It’s true. One specific neurotransmitter has its hand in all of these functions. And although they may not seem like they interact, this neurotransmitter can send signals here to read more

Why Sleeping Beauty has better brain health

Remember the tale of the young princess who pricks her finger on a spindle only to fall into a deep sleep that can’t be awoken until she is kissed by her true love? Although the story involves fairy godmothers, witches and kingdoms, that princess was greatly improving her brain health while in her deep sleep. here to read more


4 Top herbs for better brain health

You might want to put down that candy bar and supersize soda and reconsider… What you eat (and don’t eat) can affect your waistline, your disease risk and your brain power. Can your diet actually make you smarter? Absolutely. And junk food is not on the list. What you eat is one of the most here to read more

10 power foods for your brain

Even as you read this, your brain cells are drenched in a mix of nutrients or toxins that have been absorbed from the food you consumed. It’s extremely important that you increase the nutrients in this mix and reduce the toxins. Because these toxins can, over time, help the formation of plaque in your brain here to read more

Brushing and flossing are good for your brain?

Most people know the bare basics of dental hygiene. If you don’t brush and floss regularly, it can lead to a number of issues ranging from tooth decay to gum disease. However, there is a whole other area you may not have considered. New information has surfaced showing a connection between oral hygiene and Alzheimer’s here to read more

Do You Know When It’s Time To Sleep? Your Brain Does

If you have trouble falling asleep at night, now you’ll know exactly which part of your brain is to blame. British researchers discovered a molecular switch in the brain of fruit flies tells them when it’s time for some shut-eye – and they believe that humans have a similar brain function. Considering how essential good sleep here to read more

Boost Brain Power, Memory With Antioxidants

The decline in brain function needed for everyday thinking, learning and memory is common as we age. But a new study suggests that nutrients high in antioxidants and other natural ingredients can help boost the speed at which the brains of older adults take in information. Recently, a team of neuroscientists and gerontologists at the here to read more

Research Suggests That Reading Can Change Your Brain

It’s said that a great book will always leave a significant impression, leave you thinking about the world differently – and even leave you feeling as though you lived a completely different life. Well, take note, bookworms: Your most cherished reads could help to redefine you in more ways than one. A recent study conducted by here to read more
