Search Results for: brain


CT lung scans encourage smokers to quit: Study

A new study revealed that smokers who undergo CT lung scans are more likely to quit smoking. Lung cancer is the most common form of cancer among smokers and also has the highest mortality rate. The clinical trial was led by researchers at Cardiff University working with the University of Liverpool’s Institute of Translational Medicine, here to read more

Playing video games found to combat workplace stress

Adulthood is glorified as being nothing but joy-filled happiness, as you can do anything you want. At least, that’s what many adolescents would have you believe. What these young adults have not experienced yet is the day to day grind. While the younger population may have their own priorities, such as school, it is common here to read more

Autism could be diagnosed with an eye exam

A new study finds that eye exams may help physicians diagnose sub-types of autism, Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) vary in level of severity and in how they are expressed symptomatically. The unpredictable nature of ASD creates many challenges for physicians trying to diagnose the disorder and also for treatment plans, as each individual responds differently. here to read more

Potential new treatment for childhood dementia

Researchers at the University of Würzburg continue the search for treatments of childhood dementia. Childhood dementia, known medically as neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL), is a disorder that children inherit from their parents. There are currently more than ten types known, which are all caused by different genetic mutations. To date, there are no treatments available here to read more

Risk of second stroke continues for years

Suffering from a stroke can be a devastating experience to live through. It can leave you with trouble speaking, paralysis of the face, and even affect your ability to walk properly. While most people would say the worst has passed, they would be wrong. A new Canadian study finds that your risk of a second here to read more


Why you should be getting more of these

Antioxidants have become a huge topic of conversation nowadays, not only among the health conscious, but among everyone. It’s the latest health craze—you can find antioxidants in everything. They’re in foods you eat, in skincare items you use, and are popular supplements. If you’re looking to increase your antioxidant intake, you won’t have to look here to read more

New treatment for depression being explored in the elderly

Depression is not a temporary change in mood—it’s a real medical condition. The condition has many different aspects to its presentation besides simply feeling blue. It has a combination of emotional, physical, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms. What most people don’t realize is that depression can affect people at any age, even the elderly. Depression affects here to read more

Simple way to improve your memory

It’s important to keep your brain healthy, especially as you age. Mental decline is one of the most common symptoms of aging and it inflicts most, if not all, elderly people. With the elderly population on the rise, it’s important to promote a healthy brain. Most people get the feeling sometimes that they can’t forget here to read more

Visual agnosia: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Visual agnosia is characterized by the inability to recognize familiar objects. It is a rare condition in the visual centers of the brain making it unable to make sense of previously well-known visual stimuli. A more accurate visual agnosia definition would be the inability to recognize the import sensory impressions of familiar objects by sight, here to read more
