Search Results for: brain


7 reasons why you’re forgetful

When we start to become forgetful, many of us immediately jump to Alzheimer’s. In some cases, forgetfulness is a telltale sign of Alzheimer’s disease, but there are actually numerous reasons for an older person to experience memory fog and forgetfulness. So don’t worry—there could be a simple solution to your forgetfulness. Below you will find here to read more

Why it’s so important to have your hearing checked

Hearing loss can make day-to-day life quite challenging. It can impair your ability to enjoy your favorite song, watch your favorite television show, and hold a conversation. People with hearing loss may try and avoid social settings due to the difficulty they face hearing and understanding those around them. As a result, they may feel here to read more

How long does heartburn last? Quick relief tips

Heartburn is the burning sensation felt in the chest just beneath the sternum (breastbone). It is a discomfort that nearly seven million American experience as part of an associated condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Heartburn is sometimes referred to as indigestion, acid regurgitation, or sour stomach. Despite its name, heartburn is not related to here to read more

Urinary retention: Causes, symptoms, and diagnosis tips

Those with urinary retention suffer from the inability to empty their bladder completely. While they can usually still go to the bathroom, they often feel they have retained urine despite excreting as much as they could. Acute urinary retention happens suddenly and lasts only a short time. Chronic urinary retention, on the other hand, can here to read more


How to use essential oils for stress relief

The use of essential oils for stress relief is just one of the many applications for these versatile liquids. There are many different essential oils that, with the proper application, can be used as an effective remedy for many ailments. Chronic stress is one of the most common reasons people turn to essential oil treatment. here to read more

New surgery may offer treatment for spinal injuries

The spinal cord makes up a key part of the body’s motor and nervous systems. It is what relays communications between neurons in our muscles and neurons in the brain, ultimately controlling muscle movements. It also delivers sensory information regarding pain, temperature, and touch between the brain and other body parts. This is why spinal here to read more

The light from your phone is ruining your sleep

As children, we snuck flashlights under the covers so we could read after our parents told us to go to bed. These days, people of all ages have traded in their flashlights for the light coming off their phone screens. However, more and more people are starting to complain about sleep dysfunction than ever before. here to read more
