
Category Archives: Heart Health

Diabetes and heart disease: Symptoms and prevention for heart disease in diabetic patients

Having type 2 diabetes for many years can predispose you to an increased risk of heart disease. This is especially true in those with the metabolic disease who manage the condition poorly. Unfortunately, this is an all too common scenario, as those with type 2 diabetes are often unaware of their deteriorating heart condition because here to read more

Staying cool saves brain cells

Heart disease caused nearly 25 percent of all deaths in 2008—that’s one in every four deaths. It’s the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States and costs the country over 100 billion dollars in health care services, medications, and lost productivity every year. Heart disease is a broad term here to read more

Telltale signs of poor blood circulation

We usually don’t see our blood, with the exception of occasional blood work or cuts, so we often take for granted the many important functions it performs. Of course, the most crucial function is the delivery of oxygen from the lungs to the farthest corners of our body and, in turn, the removal of carbon here to read more


Gluten free? You may be at risk for this

If you’ve ever watched a pizza maker toss a pizza high in the air or a seasoned noodle maker stretching a single ball of dough into thousands of strands, you might have marveled at their dexterity. While there is definitely some skill involved, the real hero is a protein component in the mix that lends here to read more

21 foods that raise blood pressure level

Living with high blood pressure (hypertension) can be a hassle to deal with. A major contributor to our blood pressure is diet. Once we become accustomed to a certain diet, we find it hard to adjust. However, we eventually need to swap out the food that increases blood pressure, as over time, high blood pressure here to read more

Costochondritis exercises and diet tips

Costochondritis is an uncomfortable condition that is characterized by inflammation of the cartilage in the rib cage, and while some physical activity can aggravate it, there are specific costochondritis exercises as well as lifestyle adjustments available to treat the problem. Costochondritis, also known as Tietze syndrome, normally affects the cartilage in the area where the here to read more

High cholesterol? Try this…

Cholesterol is like love, it can be good or bad, but it always ends up kicking your heart. And what’s even worse, there’s no 100 percent bulletproof protection against cholesterol. Some people are quite disappointed to find out that, despite avoiding all those alluring fast food joints and diligently counting their calories, their cholesterol levels here to read more

Your heart disease risk doubles because of this…

A famous Hollywood comedian once said, “You can never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.” Modern scientists researching pessimism might agree with him. In fact, they take it one step further and say that pessimism—waiting for the worst to happen and lacking confidence in the future—could actually hasten one’s death. Pessimism vs. optimism According here to read more

7 steps to better blood circulation

When you think about it, most of our waking hours are spent sitting. It’s become very characteristic of the modern lifestyle, with all these computers, remote controls, and cars. Being a comfortable posture, sitting is addictive. And just like all other addictions, it can be dangerous to your health. No, this is not an exaggeration. here to read more