
Category Archives: General Health

Healthy obesity does not exist

Being grossly overweight is unhealthy and everyone knows it, yet nearly 78 million adults and 13 million children in the United States suffer from the emotional and negative health effects of obesity every day. Obesity is a real epidemic in America, with more and more individuals eating unhealthy foods and getting less exercise. In a here to read more

How to make getting old fun

May has been proclaimed as Older Americans Month, celebrating the older citizens and their contribution to the life of the nation, raising awareness of social, economic, and health issues they face, and inspiring initiatives for improving their quality of life and accessibility of services. This year’s theme, Age Out Loud, is meant to reflect the here to read more


Collapsed veins: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

The term collapsed veins can sound frightening, and while there are complications associated with the condition, there are also treatment options. When an injury occurs repeatedly to the veins, the internal lining of the veins can swell and collapse. Thankfully, when the swelling goes away, blood circulation goes back to normal and the vein recovers. here to read more

Asthenia: Causes and how to treat it

Asthenia is a term used by the medical community to refer to weakness. It is a psychopathological condition characterized by extreme acute or chronic loss of strength. This condition may lead to sleep disturbances, fatigue, or lack of energy as well as hyperesthesia, which is an extreme sensitivity of the skin. Asthenia may be restricted here to read more

Nitrates in urine: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

The presence of nitrates in urine is often considered a predictor of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Development of urinary tract infections are more commonly experienced by women, owing to their shorter urethra length compared to men. This allows for bacteria to have an easier time reaching and infecting the urinary tract system. UTI can here to read more

Bacteria found to tag-team to promote infection, according to new research

We often think of bacterial infections as being singular organisms that work alone to produce health-related issues. This thinking makes the lives of medical professionals much easier, as having only one problem usually only requires one solution, and in the realm of infections, this usually means prescribing the most effective antibiotic. However, a new investigation here to read more

19 foods that lower testosterone levels

Testosterone is an important male hormone and one that can be depressed by foods that lower testosterone. It is important to recognize that both males and females have this sex hormone coursing through their bodies and produce them in varying amounts. The difference is that males produce much more of it than females, giving men here to read more