
Category Archives: Brain Function

Surprising Cause of Memory Loss Revealed

A water expert has revealed that dehydration may contribute to memory loss. Dr. Jide Owolana explained that along with staying well hydrated to reduce the risk of memory loss, we should also cut back on our consumption of sugary drinks and alcohol. There are many health risks associated with dehydration including mood swings, reduction in here to read more

Eat These Foods for a Good Night’s Sleep

There are many factors that can affect a person’s sleep including stress levels, medical conditions, chronic pain, and environmental factors like lighting and temperature, for example. Diet also plays a large role in our ability to fall asleep. Eating the right food can lead to a good night’s rest, while eating the wrong food may here to read more


Preeclampsia Associated with High Dementia Risk in Later Life in Women

While pregnancy and childbirth still contain many mysteries to the medical community and general population, some conditions that occur during pregnancy are beginning to offer potential predictors for health after giving birth. One such condition is preeclampsia, which causes organ damage to the liver or kidneys. It occurs in three to five percent of all here to read more

How to Properly Diagnose Nighttime Urination

Nocturnal polyuria (nighttime urination) is a real problem for many of us. Throughout the night, you may be prompted to get out of bed to urinate. Because of this constant waking and sleeping, you’re left tired and groggy the following day. A new study is offering up a new method to properly diagnose nocturnal polyuria. here to read more

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is an Independent Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and Diabetic Kidney Disease

Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes the sufferer to experience a loss of breath for short periods while asleep. Many times, the condition can go undiagnosed simply because the person is unaware that they have it, as it occurs during sleep. This is especially true for people who sleep alone and who here to read more

Ketogenic Diet May Prevent Cognitive Decline

In recent years, scientists have discovered a much deeper connection between the gut and the brain than what was believed to exist before. The truth of the matter appears to be that the health of either the brain or the stomach has an impact on the other. A new study has found evidence that shows here to read more

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Associated with Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Arrhythmias

Obstructive sleep apnea is a fairly common condition affecting breathing patterns during sleep. It causes a person to repeatedly stop breathing for short intervals of time through the night, which can lead to decreased oxygen in the blood, having detrimental effects on the cardiovascular system and the brain. In the past, research efforts surrounding obstructive here to read more

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Memory?

If you’re like most people, you occasionally enjoy some alcohol. Whether it’s with a meal or in celebration, alcohol is often consumed with others. It can affect the body and its systems, doing everything from slowing down motor functions and causing sleepiness to even impairing memory. Starting with your first glass of alcohol, your brain here to read more