Junk Food

Break the cycle of junk food

A new study from the University of Sydney has found that breaking the cycle of junk food may be just as easy as falling into it. Researchers set out to examine how food cues, like billboards or commercials, impact the decision-making process when choosing our next meal, and whether they can be manipulated to change ...click here to read more

Is junk food to blame for rising obesity?

We know that obesity is on the rise, but is junk food to blame? It’s easy to blame soda, candy and processed food, but new research suggests our poor diets aren’t necessarily the cause of the obesity epidemic. The findings come from the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab. The researchers uncovered that the consumption ...click here to read more

Side effects of junk food

Time and time again we hail, praise and highly recommend healthy eating – but always for good reason! You see, over time junk food severely harms your body in more ways than one. Sure, you probably heard that junk food is bad, but exactly how bad is it? Well, that is why we are here ...click here to read more

A Chocolate Drought Set for 2014

Chocolate is arguably the world’s favorite ‘junk food’- with 9 out 10 people reporting that they love it and 50 % of the population confessing that they can’t go a day without it. Although some may argue that chocolate is not a junk food at all (because it is made with cocoa which is high ...click here to read more

The Effect of Mental Images On Cravings

One of the major issues that needs to be addressed in losing weight is controlling cravings, especially that of junk food.  We all know that weight gain is strongly associated with the consumption of high-calorie food items, coupled with the low amount of energy utilized in daily activities.  This imbalance in the caloric input-output primarily ...click here to read more

Mindless Habits Making You Fat

Believe it or not the act of becoming having issues with a obesity, or “getting fat” can be a slow and arduous process. It isn’t hard to imagine that this can happen and creep up on you, ever so slowly and before you know it, your clothes don’t fit, or your husband or wife is ...click here to read more

Fill Your Fridge with Healthy Food for $100

Research shows that diets consisting of healthy food options such as fruits and veggies, lean meats, whole grains and low fat dairy products provide ample health benefits.  The trick to experiencing these health benefits is learning how to eat healthy food consistently. The first step to ensure we’re eating healthy food in our diets is ...click here to read more

The Dangers of Corn Syrup in Diets

A recent study has shown that corn syrup can help in weight loss.  This fructose-based sweetener may replace the use of table sugar in the daily diet. In the last few decades, the incidence of obesity has increased due to massive production of ready-to-eat food items, as well as the expansion of fast food restaurants.  ...click here to read more