
Category Archives: Pain Management

Why Boosting Good Cholesterol Will Help Reduce Inflammation

High cholesterol is well-known as a significant risk for heart disease. New research shows keeping cholesterol in a healthy range, and boosting good cholesterol, will help fight inflammation and thereby reduce joint pain and stiffness. Could get you out walking and resuming activities you really enjoy. Let’s take a look at cholesterol’s healthy range: High here to read more

Vitamin D: The New Brain Vitamin

Vitamin D is known to increase bone strength by improving your body’s ability to absorb calcium. However, that isn’t the only trick up the sunshine vitamin’s sleeve. New research has shown that vitamin D can actually fight depression, and reduce pain in type 2 diabetic women experiencing depression. RELATED READING: Why your Multivitamin Isn’t Giving here to read more


Why Your Arthritis Gets Worse After Christmas

When it comes to joint stiffness, most people with arthritis have come to dread the winter months. The pain, swelling and stiffness often get worse, and doctors report more patient complaints during the season. Winter’s official first day is Dec. 21, making Christmas a flag day for the long stretch of painful arthritis to come. here to read more

5 Surprising Reasons You’re Getting Headaches

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), headaches are one of the most common disorders of the nervous system, with an estimated 47 percent of the population suffering from at least one headache within the past year. There are a variety of different types of headaches, with the most commonly recognized types being migraine, tension-type here to read more

Unexpected Sources of Your Back Pain

Eight out of ten people experience back pain at some point in their lives, making it one of the most common medical problems. For many people, the reason for their back pain might be an obvious cause, such as a traumatic accident, heavy lifting, improper exercise routines or pregnancy. However, there are thousands of people here to read more

Do Lower Income Individuals Have More Migraines And Pain?

You may think that your income level has nothing to do with how you experience pain; however, recently published research in Neurology has shown that individuals who have lower incomes also have more pain from migraines.  The recent study examined whether suffering from migraines limits an individual’s education and employment potential, which can ultimately lead here to read more

The Reason You Might Be Getting Migraines

If you suffer from migraines, you know just how debilitating they can be.  And, if you’re like most migraine sufferers, you’ve probably tried every remedy available. While some may provide you with temporary relief, many are just useless. Many sufferers end up helplessly curled up in a dark, quiet room until the pain subsides.  While here to read more