
Category Archives: Heart Health

Foods that lower triglycerides naturally

Having high triglyceride levels is often part of the criteria when diagnosing high cholesterol, and it also plays a role in cardiovascular disease and strokes. Keeping triglyceride levels down in our blood stream may require the use of pharmaceutical medication, exposing you to the annoying and potentially harmful side effects. Thankfully, there is a natural here to read more

High cholesterol? Try these simple fixes

When you were young, chances are, cholesterol was the last thing on your mind. You may have seen your cholesterol numbers on your blood work results, but unless there was a cause for concern, your doctor might have never discussed your cholesterol levels with you. But as you get older, there are more and more here to read more


Resistant hypertension: Causes and strategy to manage and treat resistant high blood pressure

Resistant hypertension (high blood pressure) is diagnosed when a person has made the appropriate lifestyle changes in order to reduce their blood pressure or have taken at least two different types of blood pressure-lowering medications, and yet their blood pressure has not improved. Essentially, resistant hypertension refers to blood pressure that is difficult to treat and here to read more

High blood pressure and erectile dysfunction (ED): How it affects your sex life

High blood pressure and erectile dysfunction (ED) often go hand in hand. While having high blood pressure (hypertension) itself may not initially cause any symptoms, it will damage your arteries over time, leading them to become less flexible and progressively more narrow. This not only increases the risk of heart attacks and stroke, but has here to read more

Drinking is good… In moderation

Drinking alcohol—be it a couple of beers or a glass of wine—is generally considered a weekend or special occasion activity, but according to a new study, having a drink every day may help protect a person’s heart against disease. Yes, the beverage commonly associated with good times and drunken stupors may actually save lives, albeit here to read more

Online lifestyle counseling possibly as effective as medication: Study

Possibly a sign of the times and the increasing rise in technology—and being infinitely more convenient and efficient—patients are beginning to seek lifestyle counseling online and are seeing real tangible health improvements, according to a new study aimed at blood pressure management. Participants of the online-oriented study were able to lower their blood pressure as here to read more