Articles Related To Healthy Eating.



Category Archives: Healthy Eating

Dietary potassium protects type 2 diabetes patients against heart, kidney disease

Dietary potassium has been found to protect type 2 diabetes patients against heart and kidney disease. The researchers found that higher levels of urinary potassium excretion – which is related to the amount taken in – is linked with the slower decline of kidney function and lower incidences of cardiovascular complications among type 2 diabetes here to read more

Antibiotics and honey: Powerful combination protects against epidemics

We know antibiotics are advantageous and honey has been a traditional natural remedy for centuries. Used separately, these gifts from modern and traditional medicine have proven their worth over and over again. Before we investigate their combined potential, there is something else you should know. I’ve seen enough end-of-the-world movies to know that we could here to read more

The truth about bacon and cancer

By now you may have heard the ground-breaking news – bacon is linked to an increased risk of cancer. Maybe your heart broke a little bit; how can something so delicious be so harmful? But then again, aren’t the best things always the worst for you? There is a lot of information currently circulating about here to read more


12 Foods that Help Fight Joint Pain

Now that you’re older, you probably experience more joint pain than ever. All those years of running around, and maybe even experiencing a few breaks or fractures, have finally caught up with you. Some days, the pain is simply too bad to even get out of bed. Living with joint pain can be debilitating and here to read more

Common daily foods that trigger depression

The effects of food can contribute to or exacerbate depression. Hundreds of years ago if you were depressed you were labeled as “mad” or “possessed.” In the modern ages; however, doctors have learned that psychological disorders explain most of these disturbances. Today, millions of people in North America experience different levels of depression, but sometimes it can be explained by here to read more