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Category Archives: Food Facts

7 foods that fight fatigue

We all get tired every now and then. Some of us wake up tired, others feel that three o’clock crash, while others experience fatigue throughout their day. There are several reasons we feel tired, such as an underlying medical condition, poor sleep, lack of exercise, and a bad diet. Diet plays a large role in here to read more

Why you should probably avoid carbs

If you’ve ever heard the phrase, “Carbs are the enemy,” that person was right. When it comes to dieting and losing weight, many of us will reduce or cut carbohydrates from our diet as they are often attributed to weight gain. Technically speaking, our bodies do require some level of carbohydrates as it helps promote here to read more

10 reasons you should drink your water hot

Many of us reach for coffee or tea first thing in the morning, but you may want to switch up your morning drink of choice to hot water. Not to discredit coffee or tea, but many of us drink these beverages with added sugar or cream, making them less healthy. Drinking simple hot water instead here to read more


Keeping food fresh with clay antimicrobial packaging

Keeping food fresh, especially fruits, vegetables, and meats, can be a challenge. However, scientists believe that they might have found a solution that involves the use of a special antimicrobial packaging. According to the National Resources Defense Council, about 40 percent of food in the United States goes uneaten. It ends up in landfills where here to read more

Boost your libido naturally with this fatty food

A low libido can be caused by several things including stress, being overweight, busy schedules, or an underlying medical condition. Dealing with the underlying cause of low libido can definitely get it started once again. Or you could eat fatty foods as a means of boosting your libido, according to research. Eating fatty foods boosts here to read more

Do carrots really improve your vision?

Probably one of the oldest bits of advice you remember hearing is to eat carrots because they will help improve your vision and eyes. You probably ate more carrots because of it and you may have even told your friends, children, and co-workers about this too. But did you ever stop to think whether it here to read more