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Category Archives: Food Facts

Fructan may be the enemy, not gluten

Gluten sensitivity or intolerance is more or less the latest dietary trend. Countless “gluten-free” items can be found on store shelves—more than ever in recent memory, which is great for people who have a difficult time digesting the protein. However, according to a new study, gluten may not be the culprit. A protein found in here to read more

Nutritional labels help reduce calorie consumption

Our shift to being a more health-conscious society not only helps us feel healthier, but reduces the number of health-related complications we face. One of the biggest causes of preventable disease is the rising trend of obesity. This is partly due to the increased consumption of food devoid of nutrients, high in fat, and packed here to read more

10 foods that wreck your mood

Diet plays a large role in all aspects of health, even mood. You may think that your brain—or heart—are solely responsible for your happiness and sadness, but what you eat can also have an effect on this as well. This is because when you eat a diet low in nutrients and high in sugar, this here to read more

Why you should be eating more bananas

Unfortunately, heart disease still remains the number one killer in America, even though many of its risk factors are preventable. Not smoking, reducing stress, eating well, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and watching your cholesterol and blood pressure are all some preventable ways you can reduce your risk of heart disease. Specific to diet here to read more


9 foods to help you curb your fall allergies

If you think allergies are just a spring and summer problem, then unfortunately, you’d be wrong. Many allergy sufferers can equally be a bad time for itchy watery eyes, sneezing, and plugged ears. This year in particular, many allergy sufferers are finding their allergies are not only worse but lingering for longer. You can blame here to read more

Study finds broccoli promotes a healthy gut

Most of us don’t like eating vegetables. They are generally devoid of flavor, can be quite bitter, and even come in some unsightly shades of green. But like it or not, vegetables are good for you, as they have more vitamins and nutrients that the body absolutely requires and can be great for the digestive here to read more

Can foods lower heart rate?

Some people have a heart rate that is faster than normal, which can cause high blood pressure or heart failure. However, some foods can lower heart rate and are being recommended more often to those whose heartbeat is rapid. High heart rate is a condition that is rising among North Americans. When a person’s heartbeat here to read more

Genetic clue for peanut allergy found, possibly offering new treatment options

Allergies are usually minor nuisances that make us feel uncomfortable. However, food allergies can pose a bigger problem and even be life-threatening. New research may have found a genetic clue associated with the most common serious food-related allergic reaction, the peanut allergy. An allergy is basically when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance, here to read more

Can a ‘bedtime’ tea help you sleep?

I’m sure you’ve seen or heard about bedtime or sleepy teas. These teas promise to help you relax and promote sleep. Some people swear by them, while others are skeptical. Is this just a classic case of the placebo effect? It’s hard to know for sure, but that’s why we present you with the facts here to read more

Brain cells identified that control appetite, creating the promise of better appetite control

Dieting has always been the main component to weight loss and staying healthy. Unfortunately, with many of today’s modern conveniences and an overabundance of fast food, many Americans fall into the routine of eating much more than they actually need. While there are many reasons why people find themselves in a never-ending spiral of overeating here to read more