
Category Archives: Sleep

Sleep apnea treatment may benefit epileptics

Sleep apnea patients use a CPAP device to improve symptoms of the sleep disorder. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment is delivered through the use of a mask worn while the individual sleeps. The mask provides continuous air through the nose or mouth to keep airways open from better sleeping. Research now suggests that this here to read more

Synthetic form of cannabis molecule could be the first drug treatment for sleep apnea

Cannabis is often perceived as being a common street drug, but in recent years, it has seen a significant shift in favor of its medicinal applications. Everything from pain, nausea, and even epilepsy has seen some benefit from using cannabis instead of more traditional forms of medication. This trend appears to continue, as a new here to read more


Should you skip your afternoon nap?

Are you one of those people who wake up and already look forward to your afternoon nap? Don’t be ashamed, sleep is a beautiful thing. Some of us can’t get through a day without a nap just because we are so busy and left exhausted. For others, we nap simply out of boredom. Although napping here to read more

What is dyssomnia? Types, causes, symptoms, and treatment

Dyssomnia refers to a broad classification of sleep disorders that involve difficulty getting to sleep, remaining asleep, or suffering from excessive feelings of sleepiness due to reduced quantity, quality, or amount of sleep they are getting. These conditions are likely the cause of extrinsic or external factors that disturb a person’s sleep, like excessive noise here to read more

This common medication is putting you at risk

Sleeping problems are quite common, so many older adults reach for medications to treat their insomnia. Although insomnia medications may aid in sleep, they do come with a potentially dangerous side effect—they’ve been found to increase the risk of falls. The study reveals that this correlation may be a result of seniors taking these medications here to read more

Worrying about sleep leads to poor health

Having a hard time falling asleep, staying asleep, or even waking up too early and not being able to get back to sleep again are all characteristics of a common sleep disorder called insomnia. It can sap energy levels, affect your mood, and even have a negative impact on your health. The negative consequences don’t here to read more

Your lack of sleep is making you sick

How’d you sleep last night? Did you get a peaceful eight hours or were you tossing and turning? Do you have sleep problems on a regular basis? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then your brain is at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, according to research findings. Alzheimer’s disease affects over 44 here to read more

Can a ‘bedtime’ tea help you sleep?

I’m sure you’ve seen or heard about bedtime or sleepy teas. These teas promise to help you relax and promote sleep. Some people swear by them, while others are skeptical. Is this just a classic case of the placebo effect? It’s hard to know for sure, but that’s why we present you with the facts here to read more

If stress keeps you awake, try this

Stress is a large contributing factor to sleepless nights. Many of us toss and turn every night because we are just too stressed out. Stress can result from anything and can vary in intensity. Many of us are stressed about money, relationships, work, or even our daily responsibilities. Because the effects of stress on sleep here to read more