
Category Archives: Brain Function

Brain cells identified that control appetite, creating the promise of better appetite control

Dieting has always been the main component to weight loss and staying healthy. Unfortunately, with many of today’s modern conveniences and an overabundance of fast food, many Americans fall into the routine of eating much more than they actually need. While there are many reasons why people find themselves in a never-ending spiral of overeating here to read more

Individualized Alzheimer’s disease treatment may a better option

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a condition that destroys a person’s memory and other vital mental functions. It is the most common form of dementia, a broad category of brain disease that leads those affected to gradually lose their ability to think and remember. An estimated five million Americans are affected by Alzheimer’s disease. This number here to read more

If stress keeps you awake, try this

Stress is a large contributing factor to sleepless nights. Many of us toss and turn every night because we are just too stressed out. Stress can result from anything and can vary in intensity. Many of us are stressed about money, relationships, work, or even our daily responsibilities. Because the effects of stress on sleep here to read more

Cognitive behavior therapy found to have tangible effect on OCD patient brains

People with obsessive thoughts feel the need to check things repeatedly. This is their compulsion—they feel that they have to complete certain tasks or “rituals” in order to be comfortable. This feeling is characteristic of a condition called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It is very difficult for these patients to get adequate treatment, as it can here to read more


Boost brain power with this one thing

In previous e-mails, we told you about the benefits of sex, which include burning calories, reducing stress, improving sleep, increasing intimacy, and improving your mood. Well, you can now add boosting brain power to that list too, according to latest research findings. Researchers of the study published in The Journals of Gerontology found that regular here to read more

Cause of loss of smell in Parkinson’s disease patients found

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that affects the motor system of those affected. Nearly 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year, with thousands of cases going undetected. Common symptoms of Parkinson’s include tremors, stiffness, and rigidity. This causes patients to have slow movements throughout their lives, here to read more

The Healthy Truth: The rundown on phobias

Dear friends, Do you have any phobias? If you’re unsure what a phobia is, it’s an irrational fear of a person, place, thing, or situation. Phobias are actually types of an anxiety disorder and a person with a phobia will do anything in their power to avoid whatever it is causing them this immense fear. here to read more

Vision loss doesn’t just affect your eyes

It has been documented that hearing loss is associated with a higher risk of cognitive impairment. New research suggests that vision loss may share the same link. The study looked at data collected from two large American studies and the researchers found that seniors who had difficulties seeing objects from a distance were two to here to read more

What causes nocturnal seizures? Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for nocturnal epilepsy

What are nocturnal seizures? Nocturnal seizures are when a person experiences a seizure during sleep. The condition may also be referred to as nocturnal epilepsy. People who suffer from nocturnal seizures often go unaware they suffered from one at all, but may find it difficult to wake up or to stay awake. Nocturnal seizures might here to read more