
Category Archives: Brain Function

Want to Reduce Anxiety? Scale Back on Social Media

Maybe you opened a Facebook account with good intentions. It would let you keep up to date with photos of your grandkids, and check up on some old friends. But things change. These days, Facebook seems less about positive connections and more about churning out anxiety. A 2015 study showed a clear association between social here to read more

Lifestyle Choices Including Diet, Exercise, and Sleep Patterns Play a Role in Heart Health

Many studies have shown that heart health can depend a lot on diet, exercise and sleep patterns. Although research has shown the beneficial interaction between the brain, lifestyle, and cardiovascular health, what is not known is how exactly these factors affect other bodily functions. Genetics do play an important role in cardiovascular health. Still, as here to read more

Use Your Body to Boost Your Brain

People don’t typically associate bodies with brains. Think about it: the stereotypical jock is all muscle and no brains, while brainiacs are usually small and skinny. But your body does have a lot to do with how your brain works. Living an active life that includes plenty of exercises can help you stay sharp in here to read more


Sleep Apnea May Boost Risk for Sudden Death

If you’re regularly not feeling well rested after a night of sleep, you may want to think about why. It could save your life. A new study is showing that sleep apnea – a condition that causes people to stop breathing during sleep – can be life threatening. Further, it’s associated with increased risk for here to read more

A Colorful Diet Could Defend against Dementia

A new study suggests eating colorful foods may help defend against dementia, so head to the grocery store for some berries, orange juice, and apples. Research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health suggests that the more colorful fruits and vegetables a person eats, the better protection they appear to have from cognitive here to read more

Movement Is the Key to Avoiding Sleep Apnea

If you want to drastically reduce your risk for sleep apnea, you might want to move more. A new study is showing that active people are far less susceptible to the condition, which can lead to chronic fatigue, heart problems, high blood pressure, heart attack, and type-2 diabetes. People who spend more than four hours here to read more

High Cholesterol in Mid-Life Associated with an Increased Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s over a Decade Later

High levels of blood cholesterol in mid-life are associated with a risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease later in life. This new information comes from the largest study to date, led by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) with the University of Tsukuba, Japan, and OXON Epidemiology, London and Madrid. The study here to read more

The People That Might Save Your Memory

Doctors and other health professionals are skilled at keeping you functioning optimally. But they are also the preferred last line of defense. The truth is that there are a bunch of other people that can help keep you healthy. And they don’t cost a thing. The people in your life play a major role in here to read more