
Category Archives: Brain Function

Alzheimer’s disease risk may be lowered by treating high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes

Alzheimer’s disease risk may be lowered by treating high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. The study followed 837 people with mild cognitive impairment which can progress into Alzheimer’s disease. Of the group, 414 participants had at least on vascular risk factor. Participants completed blood testing and medical history questionnaires, along with other tests measuring here to read more

Alzheimer’s disease in women: Mental deterioration faster than men, memory skills may mask early signs

In Alzheimer’s disease, mental deterioration in women is faster, compared to men. The researchers found that women performed significantly worse on cognitive tests, compared to men with Alzheimer’s disease. The most significant differences were seen in verbal skills between female and male patients with Alzheimer’s. Lead researcher Keith Laws said, “Unlike mental decline associated with here to read more

Alzheimer’s disease risk may increase with Western diet: Study

Alzheimer’s disease risk may increase with Western diet, according to research findings. The findings of the study uncovered that an unhealthy diet combined with a sedentary lifestyle contributes to as many as 25 percent of Alzheimer’s disease cases. The underlying mechanism of this association is still unclear. For the study, mice were fed a Western-style here to read more


Alzheimer’s disease progression may be delayed or slowed with walnut-enriched diet: Study

Alzheimer’s disease progression may be delayed or slowed with walnut-enriched diet. The researchers observed significant improvements in learning skills and memory, a reduction in anxiety, and improvement in motor development in mice who were fed an antioxidant-rich diet which included walnuts. The researchers suggest that the antioxidant levels in walnuts may contribute to protecting the here to read more

Higher dementia risk linked to higher blood sugar levels, even among people with no diabetes

Higher dementia risk is linked to higher blood sugar levels, even among people with no diabetes. In the study, blood sugar levels averaged over a five-year period were associated with greater risks of developing dementia in over 2,000 older adults over 65. Patients without diabetes had an 18 percent higher risk of dementia if their here to read more

In Parkinson’s disease patients, movement disorder more likely than restless leg syndrome

In Parkinson’s disease patients, movement disorder called leg motor restlessness is more likely than restless leg syndrome. Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a sleep and movement disorder which is characterized by the urge to move one’s legs in order to stop uncomfortable sensations. This sensation often occurs when at rest, so it usually plagues patients here to read more

Residual schizophrenia: Causes and symptoms

Residual schizophrenia is one of the five types of schizophrenia and is characterized by a long-term history of negative symptoms and very infrequent positive symptoms. The term ‘positive symptoms’ is used to describe something that is believed to be real to the patient, but is actually false to everyone else. Positive symptoms are more commonly here to read more

Dementia patients may benefit from holistic approach to mealtimes and exercise

As the number of dementia cases rises and research into the neurological disorder intensifies, a holistic approach to dementia is being seen as a real benefit. The holistic approach focuses on individualized care and looks at the whole person as opposed to the person’s brain functions alone. It also takes into account the patient’s remaining here to read more

In Parkinson’s disease, motor symptoms worsen with stomach infection caused by H. pylori bacteria

In Parkinson’s disease, motor symptoms worsen with stomach infection caused by H. Pylori bacteria. Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder which can lead to tremors and decreasing motor coordination. Researchers studied patients with and without a common infection of the stomach lining caused by H. pylori. The researchers found that one-third of here to read more

Early Parkinson’s disease may lead to non-motor symptoms such as drooling, anxiety, and constipation

Early Parkinson’s disease may lead to non-motor symptoms such as drooling, anxiety, and constipation. Study author Tien K. Khoo explained, “Oftentimes, people with early Parkinson’s don’t even mention these symptoms to their doctors, and doctors don’t ask about them, yet many times they can be treated effectively.” The study compared 159 patients with newly diagnosed here to read more

Understanding different types of schizophrenia

One mental illness that is often misunderstood is schizophrenia. It is commonly described as having multiple personalities, but this is not the full truth. In fact, there are many different types of schizophrenia, each with their own set of symptoms, which certainly contributes to the general misunderstanding of the condition. What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is here to read more