Articles Related To Mental Health.



Category Archives: Mental Health

Schizophrenia associated with reduced sleep spindle and sleep abnormality: Study

Schizophrenia is associated with reduced sleep spindle and sleep abnormality. Senior author of the study Robert Stickgold explained, “One of the most exciting advances in sleep research over the last decade has been the growing understanding of sleep’s causal relationship to psychiatric disorders. Here, we reviewed the evidence that reduced sleep spindle activity predates the here to read more

Schizophrenia and delusions: Types and causes of positive symptoms of schizophrenia

It is quite common to experience delusions in schizophrenia which are known as ‘positive symptoms’. The term ‘positive symptoms’ is used to describe something that is believed to be real to the patient but is actually false to everyone else. Delusions are false beliefs that patients actually hold. For example, in paranoid schizophrenia, a common here to read more

Disorganized schizophrenia: Causes, symptoms, and complications

Disorganized schizophrenia, also known as hebephrenia, is a subtype of schizophrenia. It is believed to be an extreme case of disorganization syndrome, which is one of the three features of schizophrenia, the other two being delusions/hallucinations and psychomotor poverty, referring to poor speech, lack of spontaneous movement, and blunting emotion. Disorganized schizophrenia is described as here to read more

Paranoid schizophrenia: Causes, symptoms, and complications

Paranoid schizophrenia is a type of schizophrenia in which the patient experiences delusions that somebody may be plotting against them or their family or friends. This is the most common form of schizophrenia. These patients may also experience auditory hallucinations, meaning they hear things that are not real. Patients may spend majority of their time here to read more

Schizoaffective disorder treatments and psychotherapy to manage persistent psychotic symptoms

Schizoaffective disorder is a type of schizophrenia that involves not only schizophrenic symptoms but also mood disorder symptoms. Although there is no cure for schizoaffective disorder, treatment options help patients live a comfortable life. Without proper treatment, patients may live in isolation or rely heavily on friends and family. The exact cause of schizoaffective disorder here to read more


Caffeine consumption may lower dementia risk in older women by 36 percent: Study

Caffeine consumption may lower the risk of dementia in older women by 36 percent, according to research findings. Study lead author Ira Driscoll said, “The mounting evidence of caffeine consumption as a potentially protective factor against cognitive impairment is exciting, given that caffeine is also an easily modifiable dietary factor with very few contraindications. What here to read more

Schizophrenia stages: Different phases and risk factors of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts. Schizophrenics have trouble distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary. It is a common belief that schizophrenia causes multiple or split personalities – this is not true. Majority of schizophrenic patients are not violent, and schizophrenia is not a result here to read more

Parkinson’s disease risk may triple with depression: Study

Parkinson’s disease risk may triple with depression. Study author Albert C. Yang said, “Depression is linked in other studies to illnesses such as cancer and stroke. Our study suggests that depression may also be an independent risk factor for Parkinson’s disease.” The researchers analyzed medical records of 4,634 people with depression and 18,544 people without here to read more

Mixed dementia: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

Mixed dementia is a condition that combines the symptoms of more than one type of dementia. The most common mixed dementia combination is of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. There is a lot about mixed dementia that is still not fully understood, such as whether treating one of the types of dementia in the combination here to read more

Schizophrenia treatment with cognitive therapy considered safe for patients not taking antipsychotic drugs

Schizophrenia treatment with cognitive therapy is considered safe for patients who are not taking antipsychotic drugs. Schizophrenia is commonly treated with antipsychotic drugs, but many patients refuse or discontinue this treatment option. Research has shown that cognitive therapy can be beneficial to patients who are not taking antipsychotic drugs. The researchers randomly selected 74 schizophrenia here to read more

Schizoaffective disorder in adults: Causes and symptoms

Schizoaffective disorder is a combination of schizophrenia symptoms and mood (affective) disorder symptoms. Schizoaffective disorder isn’t well understood and is broadly defined. Because the symptoms and components of different psychiatric conditions may be present, there isn’t a univocal diagnostic route and experts disagree over classification of the disorder. Although there is no cure for schizoaffective here to read more

In Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss and cognitive function may be improved with regular moderate exercise

In Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss and cognitive function may be improved with regular moderate exercise. Exercise is effective in Alzheimer’s disease because it improves the efficiency of memory-related brain activity. The researchers uncovered the beneficial effects of exercise in seniors with mild cognitive impairment. Not only does exercise improve memory recall but it improves brain here to read more