Articles Related To Women’s Health.



Category Archives: Women’s Health

Menopause-related hot flashes, night sweats, can be reduced by acupuncture: Study

Menopause-related hot flashes and night sweats can be reduced by acupuncture, according to research. The findings suggest that acupuncture can reduce symptoms related to menopause by up to 36 percent. Lead author Nancy Avis said, “Although acupuncture does not work for every woman, our study showed that, on average, acupuncture effectively reduced the frequency of here to read more

Excess folic acid during pregnancy may raise child’s risk of autism spectrum disorder, diabetes, and obesity

Excess folic acid during pregnancy may raise child’s risk of autism spectrum disorder, diabetes, and obesity. Pregnant women are generally advised to boost their folic acid intake as it contributes to healthy brain development and protects the baby against birth defects. The new study observed that excessive intake of folate and vitamin B12 may increase here to read more

Rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory polyarthritis-affected women may benefit from birth control pills

Rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory polyarthritis-affected women may benefit from birth control pills. The authors explained, “Women with inflammatory arthritis who were currently using oral contraceptives or who had used them in the past, presented with better patient-reported outcomes within the first two years of arthritis.” Women are primarily affected by rheumatoid arthritis, which is an here to read more

Late menopause linked to a lower risk of depression in later life: Study

Late menopause is linked to a lower risk of depression in later life, according to new findings. The research included 14 studies in a meta-analysis, representing nearly 68,000 women. The findings suggest that menopause in women over 40 compared to premature menopause women was associated with a lower risk of depression. This is because these here to read more

Hypothyroidism in women: Symptoms checklist and dietary recommendations

Hypothyroidism in women is a common condition in which the thyroid gland underproduces necessary thyroid hormones that help the body function. The thyroid is responsible for many functions, including metabolism and hair growth. Many hypothyroidism patients gain weight, for example, because their metabolism slows down. Women suffer from thyroid-related issues more often than men, and here to read more


Hypothyroidism vs. menopause: Differences in symptoms, causes, and treatment

Hypothyroidism and menopause may be two different conditions, but they do have a connection, thus women may want to have a better understanding of these two health situations, including the symptoms, causes, and possible treatments. Hypothyroidism happens when your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of certain hormones. Women who are over the age of 60 here to read more

World Lupus Day: Lupus-related pregnancy risks in women identified by monitoring biomarkers in maternal blood

Today is World Lupus Day, and the latest research on lupus uncovered that lupus-related pregnancy risks in women can be identified by monitoring biomarkers in maternal blood. Pregnant women with lupus are at a higher risk of developing pregnancy complications including preeclampsia, placental insufficiency, fetal death, miscarriage, and other complications. The researchers looked at specific here to read more

National Women’s Health Week, kidney disease, urinary Incontinence, uterine fibroids, and multiple sclerosis

National Women’s Health Week starts today, kicking off a week of all things related to women’s health. To get your Women’s Health Week started, we wanted to present you some of our top news stories on women’s health issues, including kidney disease, urinary incontinence, uterine fibroids, and multiple sclerosis. We hope you find these articles useful here to read more

Endometriosis pain relief with acupuncture, white blood cell study opens new treatment opportunity

Endometriosis pain relief with acupuncture has been studied recently, along with a white blood cell research, which opened the door for new treatment opportunities for endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition in which uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus in other regions of the body. The condition affects roughly 6.3 million women in America alone, here to read more

Celiac disease raises risk of pregnancy complications, but not infertility

Celiac disease raises the risk of pregnancy complications, but not infertility. Lead study author Nafeesa N. Dhalwani said, “Despite inconsistent findings from small studies, concern has been raised that celiac disease may cause infertility. Celiac patients should rest assured, our findings indicate that women with celiac disease do not report fertility problems more often than here to read more

Hypothyroidism effects during pregnancy drive new guidelines for managing thyroid disease

Hypothyroidism effects during pregnancy drive new guidelines for managing thyroid disease. There is growing evidence that insufficient thyroid hormone during pregnancy can have negative impact on the mother, the fetus, and future intellectual development of the child. Because of this, new guidelines have been recommended in order to better manage thyroid disease during pregnancy to here to read more

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and obesity raise asthma attack risk

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and obesity raise asthma attack risk. Lead author of the study Anju Elizabeth Joham said, “A greater proportion of women with polycystic ovary syndrome report asthma, and the results of this study suggest that asthma is associated with PCOS and excess weight. These findings highlight that polycystic ovary syndrome is a here to read more

Primary Sjögren’s syndrome linked to sexual dysfunction in women

Primary Sjögren’s syndrome is linked to sexual dysfunction in women. Researchers of the study strongly warn that sexual dysfunction should not be ignored in Sjögren’s syndrome patients, as it’s been uncovered that women living with the condition experienced increased sexual dysfunction, compared to controls. Primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) is an autoimmune disease that causes dry here to read more