Search Results for: brain


Ketogenic Diet May Prevent Cognitive Decline

In recent years, scientists have discovered a much deeper connection between the gut and the brain than what was believed to exist before. The truth of the matter appears to be that the health of either the brain or the stomach has an impact on the other. A new study has found evidence that shows here to read more

Surprising Cause of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus You Don’t Know About

An estimated 13 percent of the general population suffers from migraines. Some migraines sufferers will also report ear-related complaints such as vertigo and dizziness, ear fullness, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Ear and hearing conditions like vestibular migraines, Meniere’s disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, aural fullness, pain, and even pulsatile tinnitus have been reported to be closely here to read more

Do You Really Need to Stretch?

You’re often told that before and after exercise, you should stretch, but why is this constantly being recommended? Sometimes you’re on a time crunch and simply don’t have time to stretch, so you get in the gym, go through your workout, and head out. Maybe you feel fine after and think you don’t need stretching. here to read more

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Memory?

If you’re like most people, you occasionally enjoy some alcohol. Whether it’s with a meal or in celebration, alcohol is often consumed with others. It can affect the body and its systems, doing everything from slowing down motor functions and causing sleepiness to even impairing memory. Starting with your first glass of alcohol, your brain here to read more


Is the Real Cause of Your Poor Digestion?

There is a well-known link between anxiety and digestion. When we become stressed or anxious, our digestive system takes notes and changes to cope with the stress. Regardless of how you feel you’re handling the stress, your digestive system will tell you otherwise. Digestive issues are quite common nowadays, but how can you tell if here to read more
