Search Results for: brain


Avoid This Fruit for a Better Night’s Sleep

If you’re struggling to fall asleep, you may reach for a snack to help. Whichever food or beverage you choose, make sure it isn’t an avocado. Avocados are trendy right now from dips and toast. But avocados should be avoided before bed if you want a good night’s rest. Nutritionists suggest that regularly consuming an here to read more

Having Low Cholesterol Puts You at Risk for This

There is always talk about the dangers of high cholesterol but it’s rarer to discuss the dangers of low cholesterol’s effect on health. One area of research on low cholesterol has found that people with low levels are associated with a higher risk of suicide. So far, several research papers have highlighted this possible link. here to read more

Surprising Cause of Memory Loss Revealed

A water expert has revealed that dehydration may contribute to memory loss. Dr. Jide Owolana explained that along with staying well hydrated to reduce the risk of memory loss, we should also cut back on our consumption of sugary drinks and alcohol. There are many health risks associated with dehydration including mood swings, reduction in here to read more


The Important Molecule You Need for Healthy Aging

Scientists are suggesting that there is one key molecule that is necessary for healthy aging, and that is nitric oxide. Aging occurs when the end of telomeres – the end of DNA strands – erode, which prevents proper cellular replication. This means new cells are created faulty, which results in degraded functioning of the tissue. here to read more

Eat These Foods for a Good Night’s Sleep

There are many factors that can affect a person’s sleep including stress levels, medical conditions, chronic pain, and environmental factors like lighting and temperature, for example. Diet also plays a large role in our ability to fall asleep. Eating the right food can lead to a good night’s rest, while eating the wrong food may here to read more
