
Category Archives: Cholesterol

Low cholesterol may increase mortality risk in kidney cancer patients: Study

Low cholesterol may increase mortality risk in kidney cancer patients, according to research findings. The researchers analyzed the blood cholesterol levels in 867 patients with renal cell carcinoma prior to kidney surgery. The patients were then followed for a median of 52 months. The researchers found that low blood cholesterol was associated with greater tumor here to read more

Cholesterol-lowering statins may disrupt muscle cell function, causing muscle pain, stiffness, and cramps

Cholesterol-lowering statins may disrupt muscle cell function, causing muscle pain, stiffness, and cramps. Statins are a popular mode of treatment for cholesterol, but many patients who take them experience muscle pain, stiffness, cramps, or weakness even without any damage to the muscle. These side effects can negatively affect a person’s quality of life, along with here to read more

Cholesterol from meats, eggs, and dairy unlikely to raise heart disease or stroke risk

Cholesterol is a fatty substance produced by the liver. It takes part in all sorts of bodily functions, including building cell membranes, conducting nerve impulses, and facilitating brain activity. It is also important for hormone production and the metabolizing of vitamins like A, D, E, and K. Without it we would not survive, yet for here to read more

Kidney disease patients on dialysis often have impaired “good” HDL cholesterol: Study

Kidney disease patients on dialysis often have impaired HDL cholesterol. Although higher levels of HDL cholesterol are well-known for helping ward off heart disease, the same doesn’t hold true for kidney disease patients on dialysis. The researchers analyzed blood samples from 24 hemodialysis patients, 14 peritoneal dialysis patients, and 20 healthy controls. They found that here to read more

Cholesterol levels and the impact of alcohol

We know that the food we eat can have an impact on our cholesterol levels, but did you know that alcohol can play a role, too? It’s been commonly suggested that a glass of red wine a day can actually benefit cholesterol and heart health, but there are still plenty of adverse effects associated with here to read more


Triglyceride levels in postmenopausal women may predict ischemic stroke risk more accurately than cholesterol

Triglyceride levels in postmenopausal women may predict ischemic stroke risk more accurately than cholesterol. The study uncovered that common risk factors such as high cholesterol are not as effective in predicting the risk of stroke in postmenopausal women. The researchers suggest focusing on triglyceride levels instead for a more accurate risk estimate. Lead author Jeffrey here to read more

Testosterone and its effect on cholesterol

Testosterone is a male sex hormone made in the testes. It supports strength and sex drive, stimulates sperm production and sexual function, but it can also affect cholesterol levels. Testosterone and cholesterol share similar chemical structures – both are steroids – and play important roles in the body. Present in the outer membrane of every here to read more

LDL cholesterol levels and cardiovascular disease risk lowered with healthy Nordic diet

LDL cholesterol level and cardiovascular disease risk may be lowered with a healthy Nordic diet. The researchers found that participants who consumed a Nordic diet had higher levels of HDL cholesterol and lower levels of LDL cholesterol, which are important prerequisites for a healthy heart. The healthy Nordic diet in the study consisted of berries, here to read more

How to lower triglycerides naturally

Triglycerides are a type of fat converted from any excess calories we do not immediately use. Mainly derived from fat and carbohydrates we eat, triglyceride stocks are used for energy in-between the meals, but when we take in more than we burn up, that’s when the problem arises. Although cholesterol and fat are essential for here to read more

HDL cholesterol levels increased with algae extracts, may counter the effects of high fat diets

HDL cholesterol levels can increase with algae extracts, which may counter the effects of high fat diets. The researchers from Wayne State University found a dietary intake of ProAlgaZyme increased the levels of HDL cholesterol. Traditionally, cholesterol issues are addressed by lowering LDL cholesterol. ProAlgaZyme is the first type of treatment to actually boost HDL here to read more

Lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides naturally with strawberries

LDL cholesterol and triglycerides can be lowered naturally by eating strawberries. The health benefits of antioxidants are well known, and strawberries are packed with these powerful substances. For the present study, 23 healthy participants had to eat 500 grams of strawberries every day for over a month. Blood samples were taken at the start and here to read more

Intermediate HDL “good” cholesterol levels may increase longevity: Recent study

Intermediate levels of HDL (good) cholesterol may increase longevity, according to recent study. On the other hand, both high and low levels of HDL cholesterol may increase one’s risk of premature death. Study senior author Ziyad Al-Aly said, “The findings surprised us. Previously, it was thought that raised levels of the good cholesterol were beneficial. here to read more