
Category Archives: Hearing Health

Tinnitus is a key symptom of Meniere’s disease, an inner ear disorder

Tinnitus is a key symptom of Meniere’s disease, which is an inner ear disorder. Tinnitus is characterized by ringing, humming, or buzzing in the ears. Meniere’s disease is a long-term, progressive ear disorder that affects balance and hearing. Common symptoms of Meniere’s disease include sudden and severe vertigo, fluctuating tinnitus, increasing deafness, and the feeling here to read more

How does TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder cause tinnitus, hearing problems?

If you’ve ever wondered – how does TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder cause tinnitus and hearing problems? – read on. But to understand how TMJ problems affect hearing, it’s important to first understand what TMJ is. Perhaps the most common TMJ condition is known as “locked jaw”. The jaw joints are responsible for opening the mouth, here to read more

The side effect of coffee you didn’t know

If you side with the majority, you probably start your day off with a cup of coffee, an ultimate pick-me-up thanks to its high levels of caffeine. Unfortunately, your love for this popular drink may be putting your hearing at risk, according to the latest findings. The researchers at McGill University, Canada, found that coffee here to read more


Why you should be concerned about your hearing

An estimated 15 percent of American adults report difficulty hearing, which is quickly becoming a problem across all age groups. Unfortunately, many of us overlook hearing problems, not only putting our hearing at risk, but our overall health, too. When we have difficulty hearing, we put our safety at risk, we compromise our independence, and here to read more

Hearing loss treatment, cochlear implant improves speech perception and cognitive function in elderly

Hearing loss, as of yet, cannot be reversed so it’s important to take the necessary steps to maintain proper hearing. And don’t think it’s too late – regardless of your age, you can still take appropriate measures to protect your hearing and ensure you don’t develop any of these other complications. Effects of hearing loss here to read more

Truth about hearing loss you didn’t know

Hearing loss is becoming a growing problem, and it doesn’t affect seniors only. In fact, with the rise of portable music players, many teens are cranking up the volume, putting their hearing at risk. An estimated 15 percent of adults report some trouble hearing, and men are more likely to endure hearing problems than women. here to read more

Rheumatoid arthritis can cause hearing loss due to multiple factors, new study

Rheumatoid arthritis can cause hearing loss due to multiple factors, according to a new study. Rheumatoid arthritis affects nearly one percent of the population, and hearing loss prevalence in rheumatoid arthritis is between 25 and 72 percent. The most common type of hearing loss in rheumatoid arthritis is sensorineural hearing loss, which includes synovial destruction here to read more

Cholesteatoma, Noncancerous Lump Behind Ear – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Cholesteatoma is a noncancerous lump behind ear and can be a result of a middle ear infection. Although cholesteatoma is noncancerous, it is a continuously growing lump, and if it continues to increase its size it can result in other health complications. This lump doesn’t go away on its own, so medical intervention is required here to read more

Hearing loss puts you at risk for this…

When our ears begin to ring, or when we find ourselves asking people to repeat what they said or speak louder, we often attribute this to age-related hearing loss. Over time, those countless years of loud noises and other ear damage can really catch up, slowly deteriorating our precious hearing. Many of us accept that here to read more

Hearing loss in later life, early deafness caused by mutations in hearing-related gene

Hearing loss in later life and early deafness are caused by mutation in hearing-related gene. Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) recently determined that a single gene is responsible for our hearing. They’ve also discovered the exact cause of deafness while suggesting new avenues for hearing therapies. Mutant gene Tmie can cause deafness, hearing here to read more