
Category Archives: General Health

Calf Strain Exercises to Reduce Pain

A pulled calf muscle can be very uncomfortable, but calf strain exercises can help with recovery and prevent repeated injury to the muscle. A pulled calf muscle or strain usually occurs in the two muscles in the lower back area of your leg. These muscles are called the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles. When people here to read more

Do This One Thing to Prevent Bladder Leaks

Kegel exercises are commonly recommended to women to reduce bladder leaks. Kegel exercises work by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Strong pelvic floor muscles help prevent leaks because they support the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum. What is less spoken about is urinary leaks in men and how Kegel exercises can benefit them as here to read more

This One Thing Can Help Prevent Falls

Falls are dangerous for older adults, as they can lead to disability, health complications, and even injury-related deaths. It has long been believed that to prevent falls, you should take calcium and vitamin D. But this notion of supplementation is being challenged and replaced with different advice. Researchers suggest that to reduce the risk of here to read more

Why It’s so Important to Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight is generally not considered good for your health. Carrying around extra pounds has been linked with metabolic syndromes and even joint pain. And the latest research suggests that women who are overweight are more likely to experience bladder leaks. The study, carried out by Australian researchers, suggests that overweight women are twice as here to read more


This Is Why You Lose Muscle as You Age

Muscle loss when aging is quite common as seniors tend to consume less protein, which is necessary to rebuild muscle, and they exercise far less too. But there may be a biological cause of muscle loss to consider as well. Research findings suggest that in 168 male participants, nerve signals in the legs decreased 30 here to read more

Light or Moderate Drinkers Face Lower Dementia Risk Than Heavy Drinkers and Teetotalers, Study

According to new research, whether you are someone who avoids drinking alcohol entirely or drink wine like it’s water, you have a higher risk of developing dementia than people who have only the occasional brew. The study followed 9,087 adults over the course of the (on average) 23-year follow up period. The researchers assessed alcohol here to read more

The Health Test You May Not Need

Men will undergo prostate screenings to measure levels of prostate-specific antigens (PSA) to determine if there is a risk of prostate cancer. PSA screening does come with its risks, so researchers have begun looking into whether PSA screening is necessary. And if so, do men need to undergo regular screening? An official statement from the here to read more

If You Have Unsightly Veins, Do This

If you wore long pants and dresses all summer because you’re embarrassed by the blue lines that cover your legs, you’re not alone. Bulging blue/purple veins – known as varicose veins – can be an unsightly matter, and you may feel embarrassed to show off your legs for this reason. But aside from cosmetic reasons, here to read more

7 Benefits of Hemp Seeds

By now, you’ve probably heard of hemp seeds but may not understand what they are and how to consume them. Some of you may assume hemp seeds are related to marijuana, so you may have avoided them for this reason. While it is true that hemp seeds derive from the cannabis plant, they do not here to read more

Gallstones Home Remedies and Diet Plan

Gallstones are solid crystalized deposits that form from cholesterol and bile pigments in the gallbladder. There are two types of gallstones: cholesterol gallstones and pigment gallstones. Cholesterol gallstones account for 80 percent of gallstones and are usually yellow-green in color. Pigment gallstones are small, dark, and made up of bilirubin. Gallstones affect approximately 20 percent of women over here to read more

How to Get the Most Antioxidants in Your Diet

You have probably heard that antioxidants are good for your health and they can contribute to longevity by fighting off free radical damage and oxidization. This type of damage is what speeds up aging and leads to bodily functions becoming weaker.Therefore, it’s a wise idea to pack on the antioxidants to slow down this process. here to read more

Men, You Can Still Suffer from This Common Female Problem

Incontinence is widely believed to be a female problem. Although there are higher incidences of incontinence among women, men are not immune to leaks. Physical therapist Char Challenger-Smith explained, “It is important to know incontinence can be both urinary and/or fecal. We most commonly think of women, especially post-partum, suffering from urinary incontinence. Though women are more predisposed to urinary incontinence, here to read more