
Category Archives: Brain Function

Climate Change Could Have a Substantial Impact on Sleep

The negative effects of climate change have become highly noticeable in daily life. Food prices, human migration, animal migration, and illnesses like COVID-19 and monkeypox are all likely impacts of rising temperatures. Extreme weather patterns are also a regular reminder that things are changing. And with summer set to arrive in the northern hemisphere, researchers here to read more

Can Adults Have ADHD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, has the connotation of being a condition impacting children and teenagers. But adults have it, too. Adult ADHD is a disorder that can make life difficult and stressful to navigate. It includes persistent problems like difficulty paying attention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. It can cause trouble with relationships and, if unmanaged, here to read more


Midlife Insomnia Can Manifest As Cognitive Problems In Retirement Age

New research has found a correlation between insomnia and cognitive decline. This means that if you are having trouble sleeping during your middle years, it’s possible that you could experience cognitive problems when you reach retirement age. The Helsinki Health Study at the University of Helsinki investigated the development of insomnia symptoms in midlife. According here to read more

Midlife Factors That Boost Alzheimer’s Risk

New research suggests that the three biggest lifestyle factors that boost the odds of dementia are obesity in middle age, inactivity, and the lack of a high school diploma. That’s a shift from what they were in 2011 when the most important modifiable risk factors were physical inactivity, depression, and smoking. The study also found here to read more

Tips for Coping with Anxiety

Everyone goes through occasional feelings of anxiety throughout their lives. Some feel it excessively while dealing with regular everyday situations.  An anxiety disorder can be difficult to control and interfere with everyday life. If you have such a condition, seeking the care of a professional is highly recommended. Experts can offer various forms of therapy here to read more

A New Study Shows That Adults When Sleep-Deprived Evaluate Angry Faces as Less Trustworthy and Healthy-Looking

Sleep deprivation has been shown to impact judgment, decision-making, and mood. A new study published in the journal Nature and Science of Sleep shows that sleep-deprived adults also evaluate angry faces as less trustworthy. This suggests that lack of sleep can impair our ability to accurately assess people we come into contact with and could here to read more

Foods That Might Help Reduce Memory Loss

A nutrient-packed diet isn’t just great for your body. It can protect your brain, too. A healthful, nutrient-rich diet can help blood and oxygen get to your brain, as well as protect brain cells, help reduce the risk of memory and thinking trouble, and potentially lower the risk for memory loss. But are there specific here to read more

Can You Have a Silent Stroke?

It might seem absurd to think that you can undergo a major health event and not even know it. But it’s possible, and it can put your life at risk. A statement by the American Stroke Association and the American Heart Association estimated that as many as a quarter of octogenarians – people between the here to read more