Articles Related To Alzheimers.



Category Archives: Alzheimers

Statins helps reduce Alzheimer’s disease risk: Study

A new study has found that patients taking statins – cholesterol-lowering drugs – have a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers from the University of Southern California and University of Arizona analyzed 399,979 men and women and found that those taking statins for two years or more had a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s here to read more

Early signs of Alzheimer’s disease affecting memory formation and information processing: Study

Early signs of Alzheimer’s disease have been found in the brain area associated with memory formation and information processing. The study confirmed that two molecules assumed to contribute to Alzheimer’s pathogenesis were present in the brain area involved in memory formation and information processing. Hopefully, these findings will inform the development of potential new treatment here to read more

Alzheimer’s disease treatment and prevention opportunity recently discovered: Study

New Alzheimer’s disease treatment and prevention opportunity has been recently discovered. In their study on donated brains, the researchers uncovered a correlation between the prevalence of aquaporin-4 (a membrane protein in the brain) among seniors who didn’t have Alzheimer’s disease, compared to those who did. Senior author Jeffrey Iliff explained, “It suggests that aquaporin-4 might here to read more

Older adults with mild cognitive impairment can improve brain volume, cognitive function with aerobic exercises

Older adults with mild cognitive impairment, a condition that increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, can improve brain volume and cognitive function with aerobic exercises. Lead investigator Laura D. Baker explained, “Even over a short period of time, we saw aerobic exercise lead to a remarkable change in the brain.” The study included 35 here to read more

Amyloids triggering Alzheimer’s disease can also raise heart failure risk

Amyloids triggering Alzheimer’s disease can also raise the risk of heart failure risk. Amyloid plaques are indicative of Alzheimer’s disease, but similar deposits can also appear on the heart, too. Senior researcher Dr. Federica del Monte explained, “We found that some forms of heart failure are basically an Alzheimer’s disease in the heart. They basically here to read more


National Alzheimer’s Disease Month: Alzheimer’s early signs, hallucinations, sleep disorders, and eating disorders

November is Alzheimer’s disease month, so we present our top articles discussing early signs of Alzheimer’s, hallucinations, sleep disorders, eating disorders, and agitation and anxiety, along with other aspects related to Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a growing problem around the world as the population continues to age. Research is continuously underway in order to here to read more

High blood pressure may impair cognitive function, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

High blood pressure may impair cognitive function, increasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. There is consistent evidence that chronic high blood pressure can impair cognitive function, affecting memory, thinking abilities, speed of processing, and executive function. According to the expert panel, the contradicting research on the link between high blood pressure and cognitive function points here to read more

In type 2 diabetes, cognitive decline is linked to brain atrophy resembling early stage Alzheimer’s disease

In type 2 diabetes, cognitive decline is linked to brain atrophy that resembles early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers led a large-scale study comparing brain scans and cognitive function in patients with diabetes and patients without it. Brain atrophy was found to be the primary reason for cognitive impairment in diabetics. According to the here to read more

Age-related macular degeneration, a leading vision loss cause in elderly, linked to Alzheimer’s disease

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss among the elderly, is also linked to Alzheimer’s disease. A study has revealed that the proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease can accumulate in the retina and damage it. The researchers are hopeful their findings can work to improve treatment methods. Study lead Dr. Arjuna Ratnayaka here to read more

6 natural ways to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is reaching almost epic proportions in North America. In fact, if it was infectious, it would be classified as an epidemic. ABC News recently reported an estimated 10 million baby boomers will develop Alzheimer’s disease. That’s one in every eight persons over the age of 65. The increase in prevalence rates, and the here to read more

Alzheimer’s disease and sleep disorders: Tips to manage sleep problems with Alzheimer’s disease

Sleep disorders are a common problem in Alzheimer’s disease. Because sleep is such an important aspect of overall good health, it’s important to find ways of improving sleep in Alzheimer’s patients in order to reduce the risk of other health complications. You may be wondering, why Alzheimer’s disease and sleep disorders coexist. It mainly has here to read more

Agitation and anxiety in Alzheimer’s disease: Treatment options for behavioral symptoms of dementia

Agitation and anxiety in Alzheimer’s disease are just some of the possible behavioral symptoms a patient may experience. These symptoms often develop in the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Agitation can present itself as verbal or physical outburst, general emotional distress, restlessness, pacing, or even shredding paper. Understanding the root cause of behavioral symptoms in here to read more

Mild cognitive impairment in older adults may improve with computer-based brain training before dementia diagnosis

Mild cognitive impairment in older adults may improve with computer-based brain training before dementia diagnosis. The researchers reviewed over 20 years of research and found that brain training could improve cognitive function, memory, learning, and attention, along with psychosocial functioning (mood and self-perceived quality of life). On the other hand, when data from 12 brain here to read more

In Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive impairment may be improved with probiotics: Study

In Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive impairment may be improved with probiotics. Probiotics have been shown to help aid in other conditions such as IBS, IBD, allergies, colds, and many more. Although researchers have long hypothesized that probiotics may have a positive influence on cognitive health, there was little evidence to support this notion. The idea that here to read more