
Category Archives: Anti-Aging

Why You Are Looking Old Before Your Time

In the past the first signs of grey hair for men were around the age of 30 and for women 35; however, today more people are going grey sooner. Scientists have been hard at work studying the grey factor because it seems that more than ever before, people want to look younger. Statistics show that here to read more

Prevent Arthritis and Feel Younger for Longer

Have you ever noticed that your joints feel achy or stiff, especially when it rains?  This could be a sign of arthritis.  Chances are, this pain isn’t doing anything to help you feel younger.  This could be because arthritis, simply put, means joint pain and inflammation. Arthritis consists of over 100 different conditions, ranging in here to read more

Sunscreen Use – Even in the Winter

For millions of people, sunscreen doesn’t even come into play with skin care, but it should. Studies show that we need to be protecting our skin in the winter months just the way we do during the hot, humid days of summer. Snow can reflect up to 80 per-cent of ultraviolet rays so those who here to read more

Are You Living Too Long?

As lives get longer, so does the list of things to worry about. And anti aging is a topic that applies to everyone. Research shows that an individual is likely to live 34 years longer than their great grandparents. And with continued medical advancements, it’s possible that number could continue to increase. As exciting as here to read more

Top Tips For Joint Pain

Joint pain and joint stiffness is all too common, and one of the top reasons people visit their healthcare practitioners. Gaining weight, sports injuries, slips and falls as well as simply getting older can all lead to joint pain, joint stiffness and in many cases, arthritis. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that here to read more


Surprising Risk Factors for Osteoporosis

The risk of osteoporosis is not something that should be taken lightly. There are many reasons why your bones become brittle and fragile, and it’s important that people have the proper level of awareness. Existing health issues can have an impact on your bones, leaving them at a higher risk for weakness and even fractures. here to read more

Sperm Gene Could Mean Cure for Infertility

According to the World Health Organization, infertility affects between 50 and 80 million people worldwide, and half of infertile couples fail to reproduce because of problems with the man’s fertility. The medical definition of infertility is “the failure to conceive following twelve months of unprotected intercourse.” Causes of male infertility range from impotence to premature here to read more

Caffeine: More Harmful Than You Think

If you are like 80% of the adult population then you consume caffeine in one form or another.   Although you are probably well aware that too much caffeine can cause temporary, undesirable side-effects such as restlessness or an inability to fall asleep, you may not be aware that the effects of caffeine are not always here to read more

Reverse Aging Using Chiropractic Care

The human body needs to struggle to survive. It’s estimated that the human body must withstand thousands of individual assaults from free radicals. Yet amazingly, the body has the ability to heal itself and rebuild the damage. Chiropractic care becomes important in the anti-aging battle because it aids in joints regaining their full range of here to read more

Bone Fractures a Big Problem in Overweight Children

Children and adolescents who are overweight are more likely than their normal weight counterparts to suffer bone fractures and have joint and muscle pains, according to a study conducted at the National Institute of Health. Participants were classified as overweight if they had a body mass index above the 95th percentile for their height and here to read more

Three Great Treatments for Osteoarthritis

If you’re part of the growing tide of people who are experiencing joint pain and stiffness, like with osteoarthritis, you’ll want to read further to find out about three natural remedies and anti-inflammatory medications that could help. U.S. researchers have found substantial evidence that suggests glucosamine, devil’s claw, and acupuncture are effective and well-tolerated natural remedies for here to read more

The Food That Protects You Against Alzheimer’s

Fish belongs in the category of foods that make you  smarter. But, according to a brand new study, it also  belongs in the brain protection category. Because people  who eat fish, cooked in these two ways, may be reducing  their risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers found that people who eat baked or broiled  fish every here to read more