
Category Archives: General Health

Seniors: This one thing helps you maintain strong muscles

Now that you’re older, you probably don’t work out as often as you once did or don’t think about building muscle mass. However, it is actually important that seniors build and maintain muscles as they age. Strong muscles help prevent injury, improve mobility, maintain independence, and prevents other medical conditions such as sarcopenia—age-related muscle loss. here to read more

Migraine update: Essential oils for migraines, cluster headache vs. migraine, and migraine hangover

An estimated 37 million people in the United States suffer from migraines, which are recurrent throbbing headaches that typically affect one side of the head. Migraines are considered a primary headache disorder that can last anywhere from two to 72 hours. Having headaches can affect a person’s quality of life, which is why learning how here to read more

Hypertension update: Hypertension headache, masked hypertension, labile hypertension, and hypertension treatment

Hypertension, better known as high blood pressure, is a condition that affects about 75 million Americans today. It is a chronic, long term complication that only about 54 percent of patients have under control. Having uncontrolled high blood pressure levels can lead to a multitude of different complications of a person’s health such as developing here to read more


Simple tips to improve your bladder troubles

Unfortunately, the older you get, the weaker your bladder becomes. This can lead to leaks and accidents and have you constantly running to the nearest bathroom. Bladder problems can greatly hinder a person’s quality of life. They may be unable to laugh or sneeze, may be frightful of watching a movie in a theatre, and here to read more

CT lung scans encourage smokers to quit: Study

A new study revealed that smokers who undergo CT lung scans are more likely to quit smoking. Lung cancer is the most common form of cancer among smokers and also has the highest mortality rate. The clinical trial was led by researchers at Cardiff University working with the University of Liverpool’s Institute of Translational Medicine, here to read more

Your job could be hurting your libido

There are numerous factors that can cause your libido to take a hit. Stress, weight, diet, and medical conditions can all take a toll on your libido, but the latest findings suggest that your occupation may also play a role. More specifically, two new studies found that men who partake in shiftwork are more likely here to read more