Articles Related To Diets.



Category Archives: Diets

Yogurt may boost sex drive and enhance fertility in men, besides helping in weight loss

An interesting new study is showing that yogurt could possibly add “libido enhancer” to its long list of benefits. Cancer biologist’s Susan Erdman and Geneticist Eric Alm conducted the study with an initial aim of seeing if yogurt was considered key in promoting effective weight loss as people age. The results were shocking as the here to read more

Does quinoa have gluten? Is it safe for celiac disease patients?

Including quinoa in the gluten-free diet does not exacerbate celiac disease. Quinoa has been generally recommended as a healthy grain for celiac patients because it does not contain gluten, but in-vitro data has shown that quinoa storage proteins may stimulate innate and adaptive immune responses in celiac patients. Is quinoa gluten-free? Quinoa is technically a here to read more


IBS diet: Foods to eat and foods to avoid

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients can better manage their symptoms with an IBS-specific diet. IBS symptoms are often triggered by food, so sticking to an IBS diet can reduce severity and flare-ups. Unlike the case of a gluten-free diet and celiac disease, an IBS diet is not a one-size-fits-all. Although there are some general guidelines here to read more

Gluten-free diet may improve psoriasis

A gluten-free diet is known to aid in celiac disease, but it may also be able to improve your psoriasis as well. Many psoriasis patients have opted to go gluten-free and have found relief for their psoriasis even though there is little scientific evidence to support this practice. But as more and more psoriasis patients here to read more

Can gluten-free diet cure vitiligo?

Can a gluten-free diet cure vitiligo? Well, we know that a gluten-free diet is recommended for those who suffer from celiac disease as they have intolerance to gluten. Both celiac disease and vitiligo are autoimmune diseases, and in vitiligo, the skin pigment is lost causing lighter patches. In cases where the two conditions occur together, here to read more

How to feel less full after a big meal

Whenever a special occasion comes up, we are all guilty of overindulging in a tasty meal from time to time. It can become rather uncomfortable when we have a big meal, though. Bloating, fatigue, cramps, nausea, indigestion, and acid reflux are all associated with diets that involve large amounts of food in one sitting. Simple home remedies to here to read more

Type 2 diabetics might benefit from Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, and Optifast commercial weight loss programs: Study

Scientists at Johns Hopkins studied the effects of 10 popular weight loss programs in terms of the potential benefit to diabetics, but additional research is required before doctors can start recommending such weight loss regimens to patients. Study leader Zoobia Chaudhry said, “A few of these programs may be a viable option for improving blood here to read more

Hypothyroidism in women: Symptoms checklist and dietary recommendations

Hypothyroidism in women is a common condition in which the thyroid gland underproduces necessary thyroid hormones that help the body function. The thyroid is responsible for many functions, including metabolism and hair growth. Many hypothyroidism patients gain weight, for example, because their metabolism slows down. Women suffer from thyroid-related issues more often than men, and here to read more