Articles Related To Diets.



Category Archives: Diets

Hypothyroidism in women: Symptoms checklist and dietary recommendations

Hypothyroidism in women is a common condition in which the thyroid gland underproduces necessary thyroid hormones that help the body function. The thyroid is responsible for many functions, including metabolism and hair growth. Many hypothyroidism patients gain weight, for example, because their metabolism slows down. Women suffer from thyroid-related issues more often than men, and here to read more

Multiple sclerosis treatment with diets like Paleo show mixed results, though balanced diet helps, studies show

Treating multiple sclerosis (MS) with regimes, such as the Paleo diet, have shown mixed results. However, most experts agree that when it comes to diet for multiple sclerosis there are certain food triggers, and MS diet and exercise do impact how a sufferer feels. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous here to read more

Vitiligo diet chart: Foods to eat and avoid

Vitiligo is a skin condition in which the pigment of the skin is lost in certain areas, making the skin to appear white. Although a vitiligo-specific diet isn’t supported by too much scientific data, skin specialists still recommend a vitiligo diet in order to boost the immune system, as vitiligo is an autoimmune disease and here to read more


Rheumatoid arthritis management with nutrition, Mediterranean and anti-inflammatory diets

Rheumatoid arthritis management can be achieved through an anti-inflammatory diet and Mediterranean diet in order to reduce inflammation. Nutrition plays a vital role in all of our bodily functions and eating the right foods can mean the difference between good or poor health. Many foods are natural healers, so it should be of no surprise here to read more

Higher fat variation of DASH diet lowers blood pressure and triglyceride levels, does not raise LDL cholesterol

A higher fat variation of the DASH diet lowers blood pressure and triglyceride levels and does not raise LDL cholesterol. The study titled “Comparison of the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and a higher-fat DASH diet on blood pressure and lipids and lipoproteins: a randomized controlled trial” compared the effects of substituting full-fat here to read more

Multiple sclerosis in women can lower food folate, vitamin E, and magnesium levels

Multiple sclerosis in women can lower food folate, vitamin E, and magnesium levels. A reduction in these vitamins and minerals can lead to serious health consequences, as they work as powerful antioxidants and contribute to overall good health. The researchers looked at 27 Caucasian women with multiple sclerosis and compared them with 30 healthy women here to read more

Weight loss and healthy fat diet improve cholesterol

Weight loss and consumption of healthy fats as seen in the Mediterranean diet – olive oil, fish, etc. – have been found to help improve cholesterol numbers. Moreover, the results were found to be high in women, specifically women who are insulin-resistant. In the U.S., 28 percent of American adults are on lipid-lowering drugs, and here to read more

Side effects of drinking too much diet soda

Drinking soda can have negative health effects; more specifically, drinking too much diet soda can have serious health side effects. Just because they added the word “diet,” it doesn’t mean it is any healthier. In fact, the diet variety can be more harmful as it contains aspartame and other artificial, no-calorie sweeteners. Overall, consuming soda’s here to read more