
Category Archives: Pain Management

Muscle pain update: Trapezius, rhomboid and deltoid muscle pain, essential oils for muscle pain, myalgia

Everyone experiences muscle pain from time to time, and the majority of cases are due to simple causes that can be easily remedied. However, there exist other more sinister forms of muscle pain that may be perceived as benign but are be due to an underlying medical condition. To help our readers make more informed here to read more

16 reasons for pain above the left hip

Pain above the left hip can be confusing to a lot of people. Many individuals who experience this pain wonder whether it is right in the hip itself or actually coming from the stomach. Pain above the left hip can sometimes be above the hipbone on the left side, which is associated with abdominal discomfort, here to read more


Cervicogenic headache: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention

A cervicogenic headache is a term used to describe a secondary headache, which really means the cause of the head pain is the result of another physical issue or illness. Some healthcare professionals call it “referred pain.” Cervicogenic headaches are characterized by a disorder that stems from the cervical spine and its discs or soft here to read more

Jaw pain on one side: Causes and treatment

Experiencing jaw pain on one side can be severely debilitating, preventing you from doing simple things such as talking to people or eating your meals. There are several causes of jaw pain on one side, which can be classified as being due to primary or secondary causes. Primary refers to a medical condition that affects here to read more

Vascular headache types: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

A vascular headache is a condition characterized by dilation or swelling of the blood vessels leading to headache pain. There are many kinds of headaches that cause blood vessels in the head to become enlarged, distended, or inflamed. Patients often complain of throbbing pain that worsens with physical activity when afflicted with a vascular headache. here to read more

5 ways you can prevent painful knees

Knee pain is a common occurrence. In fact, around 54 percent of American adults complain about knee pain. Furthermore, around five million Americans undergo knee replacement surgery. Surgery isn’t fun and recovery can be long and grueling. That’s why preventing surgery is ideal. You may not think there is anything you can do to prevent here to read more

Diaphragm pain: Causes and treatment

Diaphragm pain affects the dome-shaped muscle that separates the thorax (chest) from the abdomen. This muscle plays an important role in the breathing process. When we take a deep breath in, our diaphragm decreases the amount of pressure in the lungs and expands the ribs, allowing the lungs to fill up with air. When we here to read more