Search Results for: dementia


Why You Should Be Eating More Grapes and Blueberries

If you want to slow down memory loss and aging, then get your hands on grapes and blueberries. Latest research findings have uncovered that eating these fruits in combination can have a dramatic effect on your brain health. Previous studies have found that consuming foods high in polyphenols can help slow down the physical effects here to read more

Can Your Eyes Reveal Your Alzheimer’s Risk?

It is often said that the eyes are the window to the soul, but they may also be the window to brain health. American researchers may have uncovered a new eye test that reveals a person’s Alzheimer’s risk, even before symptoms are experienced. Researcher Dr. Gregory Van Stavern explained, “The eye can really serve as here to read more

Stomach gurgling causes, symptoms, and home remedies

Stomach gurgling is a sound that can spring up at any moment – sometimes causing embarrassment. Stomach gurgling is often associated with digestion, but sometimes they could indicate something more serious. It’s important to recognize when your stomach gurgles and how often to help you narrow in on the possible cause. Here we will outline here to read more

Why It’s Okay to Consume Some Alcohol

There is a constant debate about whether drinking alcohol is good for your health or not. The general consensus is that a moderate amount of alcohol seems to be considered safe, and in some cases, can offer health benefits. The latest study to explore the benefits of alcohol consumption looks at how it can affect here to read more

How Aging Is Affecting Your Medications

Medications are taken as a means to treat ailments, but as we age, it can become increasingly difficult for medications to work as intended. Medication is absorbed into the body and distributed, metabolized, then removed from the body through urine. Aging can affect how medications are absorbed, metabolized, and released. Here are some common factors here to read more


Aging Process, Cognitive Impairment, and Chronic Disease Risk Lowered by High Levels of Physical Activity

Successful aging has been defined in many different ways by researchers, but many can agree that it comprises more than just good health. The most accepted definition includes not suffering from chronic diseases or physical disabilities and having optimal social engagement and mental health. Some researchers believe that classifying successful aging in this multi-dimensional way here to read more

Eat This for Better Memory

Studies have shown that incorporating more fish into your diet can go a long way in slowing the decline of memory loss. The Alzheimer’s Association wrote on their website, “From the available evidence, it’s likely that eating fish could reduce your risk of age-related cognitive decline and improve other aspects of your health. There is here to read more

Sleep Disorders Are an Early Sign of Something More Serious

Research suggests that sleep disorders are an early sign of an impending neurological condition. It is recommended that neurologists evaluate patients sleep to obtain greater insight into any possible neurological condition. Dr. Konstanze Philipp explained at the 4th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) in Lisbon, “Two-thirds of the population suffering from REM sleep disorders here to read more

Are Your Medications Hurting Your Memory?

Dementia cases are projected to hit over 75 million by 2030 and triple by 2050. Although there is no cure for Alzheimer’s and dementia, there are certain risk factors that have been highlighted which may increase a person’s risk of developing memory loss. Many of these risk factors are lifestyle habits and others are genetic here to read more
