Search Results for: brain


Cranberries Could Improve Memory And Ward Off Dementia

Cranberries are packed full of antioxidants, which are beneficial for the body and can help it maintain cognitive function over time, even in seniors. So, if you’re looking for a natural way to boost your memory and protect your brain health, consider adding cranberries to your diet. Cranberries, long touted for their health benefits, may here to read more

Is That Ringing in Your Ears Meniere’s Disease?

If the ringing in your ears lasts well after the Memorial Day fireworks, you might be wondering why. There could be several explanations, but one could be Meniere’s disease. Meniere’s disease is a chronic inner ear disorder that impacts hearing balance. It is one of the most common causes of dizziness and can also lead here to read more

Midlife Factors That Boost Alzheimer’s Risk

New research suggests that the three biggest lifestyle factors that boost the odds of dementia are obesity in middle age, inactivity, and the lack of a high school diploma. That’s a shift from what they were in 2011 when the most important modifiable risk factors were physical inactivity, depression, and smoking. The study also found here to read more


Foods That Might Help Reduce Memory Loss

A nutrient-packed diet isn’t just great for your body. It can protect your brain, too. A healthful, nutrient-rich diet can help blood and oxygen get to your brain, as well as protect brain cells, help reduce the risk of memory and thinking trouble, and potentially lower the risk for memory loss. But are there specific here to read more

Can You Have a Silent Stroke?

It might seem absurd to think that you can undergo a major health event and not even know it. But it’s possible, and it can put your life at risk. A statement by the American Stroke Association and the American Heart Association estimated that as many as a quarter of octogenarians – people between the here to read more

Calming the Spinal Cord May Help Relieve Muscle Spasms

Do you ever experience muscle spasms? If so, you’re not alone. Muscle spasms are a common problem that can be both painful and frustrating. But new research suggests that there may be a simple way to help relieve them: calming the spinal cord. Those who experience muscle spasms may suffer from difficulty moving, disrupted sleep, here to read more

Managing IBS May Be About More That What You Eat

Living with IBS can present all kinds of challenges, only one of which might be what you eat. Of course it makes sense to things irritable bowel syndrome is all about food. After all, the symptoms are all gut-related and for many, turn to their worst directly after eating. If you’re living with IBS you’re here to read more

Why It’s So Hard to Control the Stress Response

Most people encounter stressful situations. They all come in varying degrees, but our bodies handle them just the same. Some may experience stress from a big presentation at work. For others, it could be more long-term, like persistently thinking about losing a job. At the same time, others get stressed about a traffic jam. It here to read more
