Search Results for: oil


Reducing Blood Pressure Protects the Brain

The latest research findings uncovered that reducing blood pressure among seniors helps reduce the accumulation of brain lesions. These benefits were seen among seniors who took medications to keep their 24-hour systolic blood pressure at 130 mm Hg as opposed to those who kept it at 145 mm Hg. A reduction of brain lesions was here to read more

Nitrates and Your Food

Nitrates often get a bad reputation, but it’s important not to group all nitrates into the same category. As with many things in life, some nitrates are good for us while others are bad. For example, nitrates found in beetroot juice assist in reducing blood pressure and improving exercise performance. Nitrates are also found in here to read more

Brain Aging Increases with Depression

New findings from Yale University have uncovered that having depression lowers the density of synapses. Depression has long been associated with cognitive decline and depression in later life. It may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, but it hasn’t been understood how exactly depression leads to cognitive decline. In those with cognitive impairment, synapses are here to read more

Improving Blood Flow Reduces Muscle Cramps

When a muscle cramp hits, it can be uncomfortable and sometimes even debilitating depending on how severe the cramp is. Muscle cramping can be temporary or last for a few days. Muscle cramps commonly occur in the muscles in your extremities – the arms and legs – and this is primarily due to blood circulation. here to read more

10 Surprising Signs of Poor Blood Circulation

Healthy blood circulation is necessary for the body to function correctly. This is because our blood carries oxygen and other essential nutrients that fuel all our organs and cells. Without proper blood circulation, we can start to experience declining health. One of the first signs we think of to spot poor blood circulation is cold here to read more


Make Sure You’re Eating Enough Healthy Fat

When we hear the word ‘fat,’ we tend to squirm and fear it because it’s so full of negative connotations. But there is a big difference between good and bad fat, and if you aren’t getting enough good fat, it can negatively impact your health. Bad fats include saturated fat and trans fat. Saturated fat here to read more

Differences in BMI and Cholesterol between Sexes

Researchers found critical differences in body mass index (BMI) and cholesterol between men and women. They found that BMI increased, and cholesterol decreased less in women than men during a 15-year period. The researchers analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Sanne A.E. Peters and colleagues wrote, “[Cardiovascular disease] (CVD) has long here to read more

Common Acid Reflux Drug Increases Chronic Kidney Disease Risk

A common acid reflux drug increases the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) are commonly prescribed medications, with 10 percent of patients on PPIs using them to treat heartburn, acid reflux, and gastroesophageal reflux. Their usage in the US prompted researchers to investigate possible complications that could arise from PPI use. here to read more

Lack of Sleep Damages DNA

It seems like everyone you talk to complains of being tired. Lack of sleep is becoming a severe epidemic, and it’s contributing to more health problems than just tiredness. In fact, sleep deprivation damages our DNA, impairing its ability to repair and heal. Many crucial processes occur while we sleep, including memory formation, hormone regulation, here to read more
