Search Results for: human colon cancer


Ulcerative colitis and colon cancer risk linked to certain proteins and sugars produced by the body: Studies

Ulcerative colitis and colon cancer risk has been found to be linked to certain proteins and sugars produced by the body. Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha (HNF4-alpha) plays a role in both inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis and colon cancer. Transcription factors like HNF4-alpha promote DNA transcription into RNA, which is then translated into proteins here to read more

Inflammation triggers colon cancer cells to spread to other organs

Inflammation triggers colon cancer cells to spread to other organs, according to Arizona State University research led by Raymond DuBois. The findings will help create more targeted drugs in order to prevent and treat colon cancer. DuBois said, “We’ve long known that simple things like taking aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs (called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, here to read more

The truth about bacon and cancer

By now you may have heard the ground-breaking news – bacon is linked to an increased risk of cancer. Maybe your heart broke a little bit; how can something so delicious be so harmful? But then again, aren’t the best things always the worst for you? There is a lot of information currently circulating about here to read more

Cancer Prevention: Lower Your Meat Intake

The statistics are almost overwhelming. In 2013, about 1,600 Americans died of cancer each day, the American Cancer Society says. Cancer remains the second most common cause of death in the United States, accounting for nearly one of every four deaths. It’s no wonder cancer prevention constantly is on the minds of health advocates, but here to read more


Cancer Related Deaths – Have They Dropped?

Overall cancer death rates in the United States continued to decline according to the Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 1975-2009.  The decrease in cancer death rate was seen in both men and women and across all major racial and ethnic groups and for the most major cancer risk sites including here to read more

Many with Incurable Cancers Have False Hope

Sitting in your doctor’s office and hearing that you have cancer can be scary.  But finding out that your cancer isn’t curable can be down-right terrifying and hard to swallow.  A recent study found that many people that are diagnosed with incurable cancers actually believe that they will be healed with chemotherapy treatment, even though here to read more

How Infection Can Lead to Cancer

Despite the ominous nature of cancer, scientists have been unable to develop any sort of preventative measure to effectively block cancer development and thereby eliminate cancer risk. Despite some gaps in our understanding of cancer, scientists have pinpointed a variety of factors that increase cancer risk and some of the most well known include: smoking, here to read more

Low Vitamin D Raises Cancer Risk

Many of us have heard for a long time that vitamin D is good for our bone health, but over the last 15 years scientists have broadened their research into D and have discovered a strong connection with cancer risk. Some of the most promising research to date is in relation to breast cancer. Researchers here to read more
