Search Results for: brain


Another reason to limit your alcohol intake

Aging can result in many physical changes. You may have noticed you’re not as strong as you once were, your endurance has greatly reduced, and overall, you just feel weaker. Although it’s normal to lose muscle as we get older, a new study suggests that alcohol—more specifically, heavy drinking—could be speeding up this process, especially here to read more

Alzheimer’s risk not greater with heartburn medication: Study

Doctors previously believed that certain popular heartburn medications could increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, but the latest findings suggest quite the opposite. The study focused on proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which were previously believed to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in people over the age of 75. The researchers explored data here to read more


7 reasons you should take a bath tonight

When you have to get clean, do you hop in the shower or relax in a bath? Well, if you’re a bath-taker, you may have better heart health compared to people who only shower. But bathing doesn’t just offer benefits to the heart—there are actually a slew of health benefits associated with soaking in a here to read more

What is bradyphrenia? Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Bradyphrenia is the slowness of thought and a common manifestation of many disorders of the brain. It can also be the side effect of several types of psychiatric medication. Bradyphrenia can be appreciated in disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and some forms of schizophrenia. It is also called a psychic akinesia. Those affected often display here to read more

10 everyday tips to boost your memory

Minor slip ups in memory as we age are normal, but they can still be troublesome. You forget a birthday, you can’t recall an acquaintance’s name, these little lapses in memory can make day-to-day living a challenge. Of course, if forgetfulness is a regular part of your day, that could signal mild cognitive impairment, which here to read more

Superfoods you should be eating daily

You’ve probably heard of superfoods that work to promote good health, but you may not be aware of what they are. There are numerous everyday food items that offer great health benefits that are affordable and you can easily incorporate them into your daily diet. If you want to start nourishing your body and improving here to read more
