Search Results for: brain


4 harmful habits you need to ditch right now

Our eyes are a precious instrument that let us see the beauty of the world and experience our life fully. Even the slightest vision problems take away from that experience and impact the quality of our daily functioning. We talk a lot about what to do to preserve our eyesight and strengthen our eyes. Eat here to read more

Possible cause of OCD discovered

OCD is a psychological disorder characterized by patterns of unreasonable thoughts and obsessions that lead those affected to perform repetitive behaviors in a compulsive manner. It is this compulsive behavior that interferes with daily activities, leading to significant distress. The obsessive component of this disorder manifests as unwanted or intrusive thoughts, images, or desires that here to read more


Link between statin use and Parkinson’s disease risk: Study

Statins are a commonly prescribed drug used to lower cholesterol. Previous studies have also suggested that statins could offer protective properties against Parkinson’s disease, but the latest findings suggest the opposite. Researchers uncovered that there may be a slightly heightened risk for Parkinson’s disease among statin users—but it does not prove that statins cause Parkinson’s here to read more

19 foods that increase blood flow

Our blood serves to deliver oxygen and nutrients to our tissues and organs throughout the body. It also helps to remove metabolic waste products such as carbon dioxide and uric acid. However, none of this would be possible if our blood was stagnant and not in motion. Having poor circulation can lead to many harmful here to read more

5 signs of poor blood circulation

We assume that it’s easy to identify circulatory problems as some of the symptoms are obvious. Bulging blue veins, discomfort in the legs, cold extremities… These ones are pretty hard to miss. But functions of the circulatory system expand far beyond blood delivery to the extremities. And your body may be hinting that there’s a here to read more

9 fixes for your memory problems

Everyday forgetfulness is one of those unpleasant—but often unavoidable—side effects of aging. Losing track of what you were doing or trying to remember an important phone number to no avail can be very annoying. In many cases, it’s simply brain aging, and it definitely doesn’t mean you have Alzheimer’s. But because these episodes of forgetfulness here to read more

Stop doing this one thing for better cholesterol numbers

As with other habits of questionable health value, there’s something special about eating late at night. Cooking at midnight in a dimly lit kitchen while the entire house is asleep, then sitting at the table with just a little light on enjoying the results of your culinary alchemy… there’s definitely something magic about it, wouldn’t here to read more
