Search Results for: brain


Stop doing this one thing for better cholesterol numbers

As with other habits of questionable health value, there’s something special about eating late at night. Cooking at midnight in a dimly lit kitchen while the entire house is asleep, then sitting at the table with just a little light on enjoying the results of your culinary alchemy… there’s definitely something magic about it, wouldn’t here to read more

Why you should take up yoga, tai chi, and meditation

Exercises that promote relaxation not only help you build strength, but can reduce stress and improve mental well-being. These exercises include yoga, tai chi, and meditation. Although these activities can do a lot for your body mentally and physically, they can also have large implications on your genes. Researchers decided to take a deeper look here to read more

A dangerous side effect of your heart troubles

Heart troubles are no laughing matter. From the dawn of civilization, the heart was recognized as one of the vital organs central to our very existence. Where do we keep our fondest memories and our top secrets? In our hearts. What do men offer women (aside from their hand) in exchange for her love and here to read more


How to reverse hearing loss

Our senses keep us in touch with reality. They are our gateway to the outside world and are essential to our experience of reality. Take one of our senses away or even just diminish its quality, and suddenly, the world is not the same anymore. Over 35 million adults in the U.S. suffer from meaningful here to read more

Western diets linked to Alzheimer’s disease

The causes of Alzheimer’s are not known, but it’s thought to be a combination of lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors. The condition often leads to increased forgetfulness or mild confusion in the initial stages, but over time, it robs you of your memory and cognitive ability. Early research in mice has found a link between here to read more
