Search Results for: brain


Boost brain power with this one thing

In previous e-mails, we told you about the benefits of sex, which include burning calories, reducing stress, improving sleep, increasing intimacy, and improving your mood. Well, you can now add boosting brain power to that list too, according to latest research findings. Researchers of the study published in The Journals of Gerontology found that regular here to read more


Depression changes the shape of your brain

A new study has found that depression can cause structural changes in the brain. Depression and other mental health issues are a growing epidemic. Despite prolific research into mental health issues, there is still much to learn regarding the origins of these illnesses and how they affect people over the long-term. Depression is currently the here to read more

Boost brain function with a healthy diet: Study

Eating right should be a priority for everyone. A healthy diet provides you with the nutrients you need and limits the amount of processed ingredients that linger in your body. Healthy eating is often viewed as a way to manage weight, but according to a new study, it can also help prevent dementia. Dementia is here to read more
