Search Results for: brain


Why an early retirement is bad for your health

Everyone dreams of retirement; finally, the point in your life where you can stop clocking in day-in and day-out. A time where you can begin to enjoy your golden years, travel more, get in some necessary R&R, and spend more time with friends and family. Although there is much to look forward to in retirement, here to read more


If stress keeps you awake, try this

Stress is a large contributing factor to sleepless nights. Many of us toss and turn every night because we are just too stressed out. Stress can result from anything and can vary in intensity. Many of us are stressed about money, relationships, work, or even our daily responsibilities. Because the effects of stress on sleep here to read more

Researchers discover new way to promote stroke recovery

Most people know that experiencing a stroke is serious and perhaps even life-threatening, but what most people don’t understand is why they happen. There are two kinds of stroke: hemorrhagic and ischemic. Both cause brain tissue to lose its blood supply, risking cell death. Hemorrhagic stroke is considered the deadliest form of the condition, as here to read more
