
Category Archives: Heart Health

7 Medical Tests That Could Save Your Heart

A stress test is often recommended to determine a person’s risk for heart disease. This test is completed by running on a treadmill while being monitored with an EKG machine. The results of this test are used to help diagnose coronary artery disease, but if you’re a woman, it’s not that simple. For about 35 here to read more


Myocardial Infarction Risk among Type 1 Diabetes Patients Equal for Both Sexes

Myocardial infarction, more commonly known as heart failure, is one of the risks faced by people suffering from type 1 diabetes. This is because type 1 diabetes affects the coronary blood vessels, often causing them to constrict. This is known as coronary artery disease. It was earlier believed that men were more affected than women here to read more

Brisk Walking Lowers Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Cardiovascular disease risk is linked to your cardio-respiratory fitness level. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to these risks as they have lower fitness levels. While it is not possible for everyone to be active throughout the day, walking is a great simple exercise that helps to improve your health and cardio-respiratory here to read more

The surprising cause of joint pain you didn’t know

Having high cholesterol is a known risk factor for heart-related problems, but can it increase joint pain? Osteoarthritis is a degenerative form of arthritis. Often referred to as a “wear and tear” form of arthritis, it can lead to structural changes in the joints, immobility, and pain. Although osteoarthritis primarily affects the joints, it is here to read more

Stroke risk higher with anticoagulants for patients with chronic kidney disease

Stroke and chronic kidney disease are usually not linked, as they are both problems connected with different body systems. However, a new study shows that elderly people who suffer from chronic kidney disease and are on anticoagulants, commonly known as blood thinners, have a higher risk of stroke. Older people often suffer from a condition here to read more

Cardiovascular risk for hypertensive people may be reduced by regular intake of yogurt

Cardiovascular risk is usually high for hypertensive people, but new research shows that consuming yogurt regularly can reduce this risk. Hypertensive people usually have high blood pressure levels, which can lead to heart problems and can even cause heart failure. People suffering from the condition are usually put on medication and are advised to consider here to read more